Chapter 2

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I had always hated bugs,insects,creepy crawlers anything that had more than 4 legs,but always had a soft spot for moths,I never knew the reason why people disliked them,how ugly people found them,how it would make the very inside of their skin crawl,make them squeal when seeing one.Moths to be are beautiful,midnight butterfly's as I like to call them,they come in all shapes and sizes and flutter aimlessly around,they represent many things,death,spirits,afterlife and even reincarnation,their wings are so beautiful and delicate,they see the world when others will not,why should butterfly's get all the credit?,sure they are pretty and also represent good things,but to me.butterfly's seem spoiled,like they ought to put on a show,moths don't,as they rarely are ever to been seen in beauties category,the midnight flyers dazedly do their jobs and carry on. I too used to find them un-amusing,same as any other bug,but I remember that night,almost like it was yesterday,his last words,haunt me, his last breath,to me "till our next eclipse my beautiful moon,till our next blossom,and until the very moths of night be seen in beauties light" moths,the creatures in which I payed no attention too,suddenly held great importance to me,and as I walked home that night,feeling nothing but an empty shell from the moment I realised I was finally alone,I looked in the cracked mirror I had shattered in my rage to notice I had indeed lost myself.
Who was I? What am I? And where should I go now?.My hand felt something soft,and light,I look to see a moth where my hand had settled,only to see a pink and yellow Moth had decided to place itself there,was it him? Was it my love who I had lost,it bowed its head to my hand and flew away,comforting me to let go and have the peace I finally needed.
So yes indeed my dearest love
Until our next eclipse
Until our next blossom
Until the very moths are finally seen in beauties light
Shall I see you again
Sleep well my love,as a garden of moths awaits you

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