Chapter one

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I did do it on purpose,and I don't regret it either,I thought for only a second as I took the leap,as my skin felt the cool breeze and my eyes saw what peaceful sky there was left,10 seconds,it was almost like my whole world had slowed down,my hair tangled as the air had thrown it about,my hands in front of me,almost like they where trying to reach something,9 seconds, my ears deafened from the loud gale winds that made my finger tips numb and red,8 seconds,I can hear the water below me,how the waves crash and the birds sing,7 seconds,only 7 seconds left,I could almost hear his words repeating in my head,like a broken record,how he laughed like a manic and how his soulless eyes stared into mine,6 seconds,time is running out,could I have made a different choice?,no,its too late to simply turn back now,5 seconds,but what if I had stayed could I have changed what I said,no,no I cannot,it is beyond my will,4 seconds,I'm scared,3 seconds,this is really it,2 seconds,it's going to be,1 second, the end, I squeeze my eyes shut,as I felt the ice cold water touch my cloths and skin,my breath leaving me as I could gather no oxygen and the liquid filled my lungs.This really is the end.

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