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Dottore POV (entire story)
I woke up, said hi to my three kids, gave them muffins, sent them to school, and went to my lab. However, there was someone who stopped me on the sidewalk and yelled "OMG! YOU LOOK LIKE A SCIENTIST ARE YOU A SCIENTIST I'M A SCIENTIST TOO!" I was shocked as I said "Um... Yes I'm a scientist. My name is Dottore and I like evil science." The random guy said "I like evil science too. My favorite thing is cheese! My name is Two-brains by the way." We talked and we're best friends now. When I was done experimenting on a random child, I walked home and called the number Two-brains gave me on a paper. I called and he answered and we talked a bit. We were still talking when my kids got home, and my son Scaramouche asked "Who are you talking to?" I shushed Scaramouche, whispered "I'm trying to talk to someone really cool named Two-brains I met today." My daughter Signora grabbed my phone and yelled "HI TWO-BRAINS! MY DAD IS COOL AND SINGLE!" I heard Two-brains's voice through the phone say "Uhhhhhhh... Dottore... Your kid is weird." and then my son Tartaglia tried to grab the phone but accidentally hung up. I then grabbed my phone and yelled "LOOK WHAT YA DID!" I then sent Two-brains a text explaining what happened. He just replied "kids r weird"

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