"Ma, what the fuck is a bimbo?"

"If you was jus gon wear the first one then why did you try on those other two?" Fezco asked once she walked outside with shoes on, which meant she was ready.

"I didn't know I was gonna wear it until after I tried on the other two, that's why. Don't act like you've never stressed bout an outfit."

"I only do that when it's sum important. You do it everyday," Fez laughed and stood up from his seat.

They walked out to his car, Fezco following behind Estrella to open the car door for her while checking her out.

He opened the door for her and once they were both in his car, he continued to stare at her we they waited for it to warm up a bit.

Estrella glanced at him from taking a picture of her 2000s mom sandals, and raised an eyebrow.


"I like when you wear these," Fezco told her and zipped the zipper of her sweater up a little.

"What? Tracksuits?" She asked with a laugh and put her hand on his.

"Mhmm. You look like one of them hot moms from the 2000s."

Estrella smiled in accomplishment, "That's the goal," She laughed.

Fezco lowly laughed and continued to stare at her, nodding his head, "Yeah you'd be a hot mom fosho."

"What you tryna say?" Estrella asked after snapping her picture, then glanced at Fezco.

He smirked before looking away and putting his seatbelt on, making her laugh.

He was tryna say that he was gonna make her a hot mom. Fosho.


"I'm so happy to see you," Rue told Estrella as the girl hugged her once stepping into her hospital room.

"Me too Rue Rue," She smiled down at her and glanced at Jules laid in the hospital bed with Rue. "What happened?"

"I didn't pee for like the whole weekend cause I was depressed. But that doesn't matter, I heard what happened with your..."

"Wait, what happened?" Jules cluelessly asked.

"Nate ratted my dad out and he got locked up."

Jules raised both her eyebrows in shock, "What? Why?! You did what he asked you to do."

"I know...but Fez found out and threatened him and that got himself raided too. I just don't know why Nate decided to snitch on my fucking dad," Estrella mumbled. "And it couldn't have been that."

"Is everything with your dad and Fez cool?" Rue asked. "Like, cause of the raid...s?"

"My dad has court this week and that's where they're gonna give him a sentence. He's pleading guilty. And said the max is like 10 years," Estrella informed. "Fezco's good though, at least. He actually had me move in with him over the weekend."

Rue teasingly smirked, "So you and Fez Fez are full on in love now."

"Sure," Estrella laughed and sat on the edge of the hospital bed.

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