"Zoey, I've told you so many times to stop touching my stuffs," she scolded, hands on hips, glaring at me.

I shrugged. "I don't, and who cares? Your stuffs isn't better than mine anyway," I retorted, rolling my eyes. "Just leave me alone, I didn't touch your stuffs."

I smirked and walked away, but she followed me, her anger evident. "Zoey!" she shouted once more.

"Just leave me alone, seriously," I groaned, clenching my fists. I dashed up the spiral stairs to my room and returned within some seconds.

"Take your dumb lip gloss, your leather bag, and your phone case," I said, throwing her belongings at her before retreating back to my room and slamming the door shut. I flopped onto my bed.

Even though I had plenty of cosmetics and clothes, I never felt satisfied. My sister used to have great taste, and I admired her a lot when I was younger. We used to spend a lot of time together, and I loved her dearly. But as we grew up, things changed, and she became more like a thorn in my side than a role model.


At dinner, we all sat quietly waiting for Dad. When he finally walked in, he sat at the head of the table next to Mom, and we started eating after he said grace.

"Mom," I said, catching her attention. "I want to have a party on Friday night."

"A party? What for?" Ashley interrupted, as usual.

I felt annoyed and shot her a glare. "None of your business," I snapped.

"If you can't give a good reason for throwing a party, then you can't," Ashley said, with Dad taking her side.

"It's for my best friend Gemma," I lied. "She just got out of the hospital, and I want to cheer her up. She's been nice to me since freshman year, and I think a party would make her happy."

My sister looked surprised, but then she just went back to eating.

It's better she doesn't say anything and ruin my plans.

"Honey, that doesn't sound like something you'd usually do," Mom chuckled.

"Stop lying, Zoey. No one's buying it," Ashley interjected.

I gasped, pretending to be hurt. "Am I really that bad that no one believes I could do something nice for a friend?" I said, faking tears.

"Oh, sweetie, I didn't mean it like that," Mom said sympathetically. "Okay, you can have your party. David and Mrs. Becca will help organize it."

"This is your first good deed, sweetie. I'm proud of you," Dad said, patting me on the shoulder.

Okay. I'm officially the worst daughter who ever lived.

Feeling guilty, I gave everyone a warm smile. Ashley rolled her eyes and let out a loud groan before leaving the dining room, shooting me a disgusted smile on her way out.

AT SCHOOL ON WEDNESDAY, I sat next to Caroline in economics class and discussed our plan for the party. Caroline was thrilled about it, nearly screaming with excitement.

"I can't believe you want to spend so much money just to embarrass a girl who didn't do anything to you," Betty sighed, giving me a disapproving look.

I shook my head in disbelief at her statement. Just then, Gemma walked in, dressed casually with two friends following closely behind her like bodyguards, which stirred up jealousy in me.

She smirked at me with a contemptuous smile, then accidentally bumped into Betty on her way to her seat.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Gemma apologized.

"What the heck, why did you do that?" Betty screamed, catching everyone's attention.

I rolled my eyes at Betty's defense of Gemma, but my surprise grew as I saw Betty holding her grandma's bracelet. Gasping, I looked at Caroline, who smiled brightly in return.

Betty cherished her grandma's bracelet, a gift she received before her grandma passed away. She never took it off and had always planned to pass it down to her future daughter.

"You broke the only gift my late grandma gave me!" Betty exclaimed, her voice trembling.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," Gemma apologized softly.

"This would make a great story for your blog, Zoey," Caroline said with a sweet smile.

"I got it all on video," I chuckled.

"After Friday night party, all you're going to see on that nasty girl's face is tears," Caroline whispered, and we both giggled.

Oooh. I just can't wait!

"I hate you," Betty sobbed, tears streaming down her face.

Gemma sat frozen in her seat, unable to meet Betty's gaze. She glanced in Betty's direction throughout the class, clearly feeling guilty.

This day is going so well. I'm gonna scream with joy, soonest!

ON MY WAY TO DANCE REHEARSAL, I saw Gemma and Daphne by their locker. Gemma looked sad, and Daphne was comforting her. I decided to join them with a friendly tone.

"That's a great idea, Gemma," I said with a smile. Daphne looked ready to attack me with harsh words.

"What do you want?" she asked, bluntly.

"Hey, I come in peace," I replied. "I know you didn't mean to hurt Betty. Everyone saw you trip – it was an accident."

Gemma turned to me, thanking me before telling me to leave her alone.

"I'm sorry if I upset you," I said with a fake smile. "I just want you to know I'm not as bad as you think. Let's put the past behind us."

"Are you serious?" Daphne asked, surprised.

Gemma sighed. "Okay, friends." She reached out her hand, and I shook it solemnly.

"I'm having a party on Friday," I said. "Since we're friends now, you're invited."

Gemma smiled, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Will Betty be there too?"

"Yes, it's a pool party, so the dress code is a bikini," I explained. "My friends and I are going shopping for the party – you can join us."

"I would have loved to come with you guys, but I already promised to assist my mom this evening." Gemma replied.

"I can come along with you guys, and help pick out some cute bikinis for Gemma," Daphne suggested.

"Sounds good," I agreed. "See you later, then."

Second chapter! The story is getting interesting.

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