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Daisuke watched as I continued drinking. I knew it was unprofessional of me, those first shots of tequila were a lot for me as I was small and a lightweight when it came to alcohol. My mind was fuzzy and I knew I blew it tonight, but for some reason I was putting all my trust into Daisuke. 

Daisuke finally decided to be responsible and stop the drinks from coming. He had a bit too many as well. His hair started to get a bit messy and his tie needed fixed yet again. I leaned over the table, trying my best to keep my balance and grabbed his tie. I didn't realize how much I tugged it as I was very close to his face. His eyes fixated on my own, causing me to become nervous. There was something about this man that intrigued me. He was nothing like the love of my life, Luke. He was the opposite. But the one thing they both had in common is how smooth and extremely irresistible they were to the ladies. 

I never thought of myself to compare to the rich and luxurious women. They threw themselves over Luke when we were together during missions and parties, but they never knew the real him. I know now that money and power make people attractive in many peoples minds. I never understood it. 

I let go of the tie, letting it stay messy and stood up. I held onto the table for support and gave Daisuke a smile. 

"I need to get out of here." I slurred. 

Daisuke gets up and walks to me, grabbing my waist for support. I accept the help, knowing I was too drunk to get anywhere on my own. He leads me out the room and we walk to the exit, but a man grabs Daisuke's shoulder causing us to turn around. The man grins as he scans my body and then looks over to Daisuke. 

"Leaving so soon Mr. Kambe? The auction is still going on" The man said. 

"We had a bit too much to drink. I'm going to take my girlfriend home." 

The "girlfriend" comment caught me off guard. The man eyes me suspiciously like he didn't believe who I was. I quickly carry on the act and grab Daisuke's hand, interlocking our fingers. I use my other hand and hold it out to the man. 

"(u/n). It's a pleasure to meet you." I say, trying my best to be as sober as possible. 

The man smirks, accepting my hand and kissing the top of it. 

"Your Japanese is very good. Do you live here?"

"Yes. I just recently moved in with Daisuke." 

The man nods, smiling at the both of us. 

"How did you two meet?" The man asks. 

"I had a meeting over in the U.S for my company. She worked in the building and I decided to ask her out on a date. After that, we would visit each other until soon she accepted to move here and live with me." Daisuke said.

I look over at Daisuke and give him a loving smile. He returns a smile and for a moment I was reminded of Luke again. How can these two men I just met remind me of Luke so much? Was this even healthy? I shake my thoughts and notice the man observing me. I felt like he still didn't believe us. By his clothing and the way he was guarded, I had a feeling this was the man hosting the auction as well as the leader I have been searching for. I wish I didn't drink so much so I could've tried to get closer to him, but this act Daisuke and I were playing messed that whole plan up. I wanted to put all my trust into Daisuke, but was it for the best?

The Spy and The Detective (Daisuke Kambe x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now