𝟐: 𝑼𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆ᴷᵃᵗˢᵘᵏᶤ ᴮᵃᵏᵘᵍᵒᵘ

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It was a pleasant night. The cool breeze blew against my face as I let out a sigh of contentment. Sounds of dry leaves crunching were heard with every step I took and the path was illuminated by the moonlight. The scene was beautiful.

I was loving patrol duty. 

It had only been a few months since Queen Mirko herself had choosen me to guard over the area near the werewolf border and the job seemed easy enough. There were tensions between our kingdoms sure, but neither of the two had attempted to attack the other just yet and it wasn't often that there would be werewolves just roaming around these parts in an attempt to tresspass.

That was untill today. I sniff around cathing an unfamiliar scent in the air.


I was getting the gut feeling that I was not alone.  And this was only confirmed when I heard rustling and someone's footsteps coming towards me. Putting my guard up I take my spear and hold it firmly.

"Ugh, where the hell am I?", someone grumbles as I hide behind a tree. A few seconds later I see someone step out. They were standing in the dark so I wasn't able to see who they were but i could tell by their voice that it was a male. And boy did he seem irritated

"Stupid Deku.", he grumbles. " 'Let's have a picnic Kacchan.' 'We'll be back before dark Kacchan' 'Surely there won't be any attempt on your life Kacchan.'."

"Fucking dumbass.", as the stranger steps out into the moonlight his features were clear. 

He had blonde spikey hair and sharp features with an angry expression on his face. He was also clutching his side as stumbled through the bushes. 

But what was the most important detail was that he was a werewolf, and right now he was trespassing. 

So, I decide to do what any patrol guard would've done. I sneak up behind him and knock him out. He falls face first on the ground after recieving such a strong blow. As I roll him over I get know the reason why he was clutching his side.

He was bleeding.

'Was he attacked? He did mention something about an attempt on his life. But why would someone attack him?', I think to myself as I pick him up and start travelling back to my house near-by.

'Maybe he's someone important? Come to think of it he does look familiar.But why would he come into our territory? Did he even know he was trespassing?'

Brushing it off I decide to focus on carrying him because boy was he heavy. 

This was not how I expected my night would go.


"Ugh", I groan as I open my eyes turning in the bed.

'Wait. BED?!'

Quickly throwing the sheets off myself I sit up analysing the room. This was not at all familiar. I attempt to get up but I am yanked back by my hand.


'Just great.'

I then notice that whoever was responsible for all of this had also taken off my jacket and shirt and my torso was bandaged.

"I'm gonna kill this extra.", I grumble yanking on the chain

"Nice to see that the sleeping beauty is finally awake."


"Nice to see the sleeping beauty is finally awake.", I say entering the room.

𝑴𝑯𝑨𝒙𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora