Can we tell the family

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    Nobody in the family knows about you and Camilo. Well everyone but noisy Dolores,Clueless Antonio, and one mama who does not know how to knock! You have done a pretty good job out of talk Dolores out of leaking your secret to the whole town! Today is not exception the Madrigals will not find out about me and Camilo not yet.

Camilo's P.O.V:
    I was hoping to tell the rest of my family about me and Y/N's relationship I just hope he's ready today I feel this sort of guilt looming over me I feel like i've been just lying to my family for months about Y/N by now. I just really need to get it off my chest today.

Y/N's P.O.V
    Your just not ready tonight. You know how badly Camilo wants to tell the rest of the family anf you understand but its just today is not the day. Just thinking about it mads your skin crawl if I can only have a few more days.


    You where sitting next to the Camilo at the dinner table when he gives you a little nudge signaling he wants to tell you something. He whispers in your ear "are you ready mi amor?". What is he talking about ready for wha- before you can say anything out loud Camilo kisses you on the lips and then states "Me and Y/N are dating!" Your face goes blank. You can't move you can't think. Im not ready for this im not ready for this! Gasps fill the room and your heart sinks. Oh god I feel sick what will they think of me! oh god they hate me! "Wow Camilo we new you guys were dating we just wouldn't think you'd really tell us like this..hehe" Pepa says. "Wait what?! You already knew?!" Camilo shoots up making you even sicker to your stomach that they already knew and now you look like a complete idiot! "Yes Camilo where not as stupid as you think we are" Isabela states flicking her hair. Your mind completely goes blank. "I-if you could uhm...excuse me please!" You hastily leave the table.

Camilo Madrigal x Male Reader [Discontinued] Where stories live. Discover now