Recovery & Bonding

Start from the beginning

"He was scary, to be honest."

"I can agree with you on that matter. Those chains, the weapons he had, Lancer wasn't joking."

EMIYA then took off the cover on him, standing up.

"Hey, hey, stop! You're already too injured, you're just going to hurt yourself more!" EMIYA didn't care one bit. He started to walk away from Ruby who had also stood up. She put her hand on one of his shoulders, lightly pulling him back.

"We're going to have to find Kotomine again before he gathers his forces."

"Not like this!"

"Exactly like this. The two of us couldn't even take on one Servant, let alone the both of them at the same time."


"If you're just going to stand around like this, then I'll have to do everything on my own! Once Kotomine gets his hand on the Grail, it'll be over for all of us!"

Ruby grabbed onto his garb, attempting to stop him in his tracks, to no avail. She was only being dragged along.

"Going out already?" Yang called out to the both of them.

"Sis! Come on, help me stop him! He's trying to kill himself!"

"What? Emiya!" Yang rushed over as fast as she could, grabbing onto EMIYA's scarf. She had joined in on the struggle. EMIYA's speed had been significantly slowed down.

"Let... go!"

Yang turned to Ruby, gritting her teeth. She let out a nod to her. Ruby instantly knew what it meant.

Suddenly, the struggle was broken apart by both Ruby and Yang letting go of his cape, causing both sides to fall to the ground. EMIYA turned around while still on the ground, clearly flustered.

"The hell are you trying to pull off?!" Yang let out.

"Has she not told you?"

"I know. The priest and his Servant." Yang gets a serious look on her face.

"So why? Why the hell are you sitting around instead of heading straight to him and letting him recover?!"

"You have to recover, too!" Yang yelled out, causing EMIYA to fall silent. 

"We care about you, Emiya. Please, just, stay. It'll all be fine." Ruby reached out towards EMIYA's right hand, gripping it.

"Tch!" He hissed at the two of them, standing back up.

"You're not the only one who's lost friends, we all lost friends and family at the hands of the Grimm and Cinder. We'll get back at those who did it." Yang reassured, nodding at him.

EMIYA storms off.

Ruby crosses her arms, looking away nervously, until Yang comforted her by placing a hand on her shoulder.

"He'll be fine, don't worry."

7 AM, Mistral

EMIYA sits alone outside of the house they'd been staying at, his right knee raised up into the air, his hand resting on said knee. The wind blows through his hair as he appreciates the view of the town.

One thing was still stuck in his mind.


The bastard was still roaming Mistral, and the worst part?

He could be even here right now. Maybe hiding in the trees, the bushes, preparing his attack.

Fortunately, Avalon would probably help him put up a fight against both his Servant and himself at once, but only for a while.

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