"It's the most popular holiday in Aetherius," Adam added, his chest swelling at the thought of the upcoming festival. "It's where our parents met, so we're biased to believe the legends."

Anakin's infamous smirk was directed at Obi-Wan. "Interesting. And if the legends are true, how do you know?"

The former padawan found it peculiar when the princess's smile fell slightly. "It's said that Conamen will appear to you in a dream after you've met them." Her gaze fell to the road in front of them, the soft, rushing water of the canals heard in the distance. "But we're unsure if that is true."

"Would your partner know if they were your soulmate?" Anakin asked next, and Obi-Wan glared at him. He didn't need this, especially with what had happened with Satine and Ahsoka leaving the Order.

"It's complicated," Adam answered. "For any Aetherian, yes, Conamen will appear to you and confirm your suspicions. However," his quick glances at Evangeline and Obi-Wan didn't go unnoticed by Anakin. "Any non-Aetherian won't receive the same vision. It's unfortunate because someone could know that you're soulmates and the other person could be halfway across the galaxy, never the wiser."

The padawan had a sneaking suspicion as to who Adam was referring to, but he would keep his theories to himself. They approached the palace gates and entered the grand building, heading their separate ways.


Obi-Wan had bid goodnight to Evangeline, who had barely said anything in return. When he returned to the room he was staying in with Anakin, he immediately glared at his former padawan, who was relaxed on his temporary bed. "What?"

"Really?" he scoffed, folding his arms over his chest. "We are here to protect the family, not fix my love life, Anakin."

The padawan rolled his eyes. "Obi-Wan, I was just curious about the holiday, that's all."

This time the master rolled his eyes. "I saw you smirking at all the information the siblings were giving you. You have something up your sleeve and I am not condoning whatever scheme you're planning."

"If I was scheming, it's not like I can act upon anything I have planned." Anakin ran a hand through his hair, finding a stray braid that one of the little girls put in his hair when he hadn't been paying attention. "You heard his majesty, a non-Aetherian wouldn't receive the vision from the deity Conamen if they had met their soulmate."

"Please, all I'm asking you is to behave for once and not meddle in any of our affairs."

"I'm not meddling! I'm just-"

"You are too-!"

Frantic knocks sounded on the wooden door, and Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes at Anakin, letting him know that the discussion wasn't over. On the other side of the door was Koa, his clothes slightly disheveled and his hair messy, and the two Jedi assumed he had just come from training practice.

"Koa, what is it?" Anakin asked, taking in his terrified state.

The head of the guard took in a deep breath and pointed down the hallway. "It's Adam, he's received another threat."


The family had gathered in the throne room, and while everyone else looked worried, Adam looked scared out of his mind. Koa was by his side dutifully, eyes peeled for any remaining threat. The rest of the guards had been alerted and went after the assassin while they waited for news.

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