Chapter 18

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Carol point of view
Why didn't Tessa tell me she was pregnant? Especially with Hardin ?
I'm happy for her I'm really I just want her to be happy she's my only daughter after I tell her the news that I have for her it's gonna be tough I know it is it's always been me and her and I'm going to say sorry to Tessa and Hardin they deserve it
Tessa point of view
Today Auden4 months old and tonight we are going to dinner just me and Hardin also Landon and Nora just a double date
Right now it's 10:00am Hardin is still asleep and I'm feeding Auden just as I'm about to put Auden in his crib Hardin is awake
Hardin - good morning
Tessa-good morning
Hardin - can we cuddle as a family for a little bit please?
Tessa-yea I was about to put Auden in his crib
We all fall back to sleep until we hear a knock
I go open the door and it's my mom
Carol- hey I'm here to talk to you and Hardin and to see my grandson
Tessa- Um come in
Carol-y'all have a beautiful home
Tessa-thank you
Hardin-baby who's at the door-
Carol-hi Hardin
Carol- I'm here to say sorry for everything that I've ever done or said and I just want Tessa to be happy and I see that you make her happy and congratulations on having a baby even though I didn't know about it I know it was for the best
Hardin & Tessa - thank you
Tessa- would you like to meet Auden ?
Carol-Yes please
Tessa-okay I'll go get him
Carol- wait before you do Tessa can I talk with you
Tessa- of course
Hardin-I'll go check on Auden
After Hardin leaves
Tessa- is everything okay mom ?
Carol - I just um wanted to say that Ive found someone and I'm happy
Tessa- that's great mom I'm happy for you
Carol-thank you
After having dinner with Landon and Nora (12:45am)
We go home and all the lights are off my mom is asleep in the guest room and Auden is right next to her I pick up Auden and take him to the bed with me and Hardin.
Hardin- lay Auden down so you change baby
Tessa- I know I am I just missed him
Hardin-I know we will be here when you get back and we will wait for you on the bed so we can cuddle
I go and get changed with Hardins shirt that he wore today and some shorts
When I get into bed Auden is between me and Hardin after a couple of minutes we are all asleep as a family..
Author note
Sorry that it took long to update I am having writers block
Next part will come out soon
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