2 - 𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚

Start from the beginning

I went through the process like anyone would, finding it a bit of a drag. Once we went into the room that had the entrance into Dream's cell, I began to feel really warm. Not from the wall of cascading lava, but from the stress of the situation.

It would be the first time I see Clay in two years after nearly killing him. I felt sick to my stomach. I'm not ready for this.

I was about to tell Sam, before the lava parted, and in the center of the pit, I saw him. Clay. Dream.

I felt like I was going to throw up, my stomach twisting inside my skin. I leaned over, clutching my abdomen as I gagged. I look up from my pained state and saw Dream in the center of the cell, staring back at me, still, silent.

"On the platform," Sam said, turned away from me. I slowly stepped onto the stone, my heartbeat in my ears, my stomach pulsing with it. I felt disgusting. I felt sick. The stone under my feet began to drag me closer to him, making my heart beat faster, my eyes shut.

"Step off the platform."

I did.

I was stood in front of him now, my whole body shaking.

It was silent.



"You came back," he spoke, voice heavy, "where have you been?"

I looked up, making eye contact with him,

and the world went quiet.

Those once lively green eyes were now dull with time, his skin was more pale than ever. He looked so, so sick. I felt a tear fall from the corners of my eyes from his looks alone.

His shoulder... The one I ripped apart two years ago...

It was scarred over, leaving a permanent discoloration and scar tissue in that area, but it was still, somehow, infected. It looked like it was still bloody, even after a long, long time. I felt myself gulp down a knot in my throat.

He was skinnier than he had ever been, his muscle had deteriorated almost entirely, and I take it he was rarely fed. His ribs could be seen through the white tank he wore under his orange jumpsuit, which was missing the jacket.

The whole of the cell smelled putrid, like something... Or someone, had died. His freckles faded away, and his face was entirely structured by bone. He was frail, weak.

I felt myself wrack a sob, reaching my hand out toward his sunken face and faded freckles.

He slapped it away.

"I don't want you here. You hurt me, Y/N," he said, sternly, yet calm, "I can't even look at you right now."

The wall in front of him dropped, leaving no barrier between us.

I didn't even know what to say. I did do this to him, didn't I?

Am I the one who should be here? Not him?

No, you did the right thing by letting him come here.

"I saw somebody," I finally said after several moments of complete silence, "I saw someone to tell me what was going on in my head."

Dream rolled his eyes, "I can diagnose you myself, princess."

The word came off of his tongue with so much venom.

"You're a goddess. Half, at least, who has no idea how to control her own power! You just fuck around all day with no sort of guidance, and cause destruction to the SMP that I built! You're sick in the fucking head, Y/N. Absolutely. Fucking. Sick."-


I couldn't contain myself anymore. Hearing those words leave Dream's mouth made me feel even worse about him. "You," I said, fists clenched, eyes down, "You are the one who's fucking sick, Dream. You manipulated me, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, anybody who could be useful to you, so you could gain the power you needed to do it again.

"I can't even believe that you tried that on me. I loved you, Clay, I really did! You made me so fucking happy for the few years that we were in our relationship, and I will never find that again. It's all thanks to your stupid fucking ass that you're in here! This was your calling.

"But if you ever try to hurt me again, I will kill you, because I failed to do it last time. You will never hurt me again. You will never control me again!"-

He kissed me. He actually fucking kissed me after my long-winded speech. I couldn't stand him right now. I pushed him away.

"Stop," I said, "stop right now. Leave me alone. You can't even send me the right signal."

He took a shaky breath, "I'm sorry."

I waited for more. I waited for him to pour his fucking heart out onto the crying obsidian floors, begging for me to forgive him, begging for me to stay, but instead, he turned and sat down in the corner of the room, and curled onto himself.

"Coward," I said aloud. I pressed a button on the wall of the cell to tell Sam I was done, and that I was ready to leave.

I stared Dream down. This must've been his way of making me feel guilt. It wasn't working.

The wall between us was raised, and I felt myself calm down slightly. The lava began to part. Relief washed over me. Until I turned to see him. Right. Behind. Me.

He was holding a broken piece of glass, maybe from the broken clock, in his boney hands. I turned entirely to defend myself from him, but I moved to slow, and I felt a whole part of my waist get sliced open. It felt like a fire had spread through my body.

Blood seeped out onto the black floors, golden and red in color. I felt myself grow so, so weak. I saw blurs of green, gold, orange, white. So many colors.

I think I screamed, because I felt myself being picked up and rushed out of the prison. I heard so many voices. One sounded angry, another sounded distressed, and another sounded empty.

I passed out pretty quickly, as my blood loss was rapid.

I couldn't die, I can't die.

I need to hold on.

I slowly opened my eyes after what seemed to be hours of struggling. I was in a building that was not the prison or my own home. It was nicely decorated, with potted flowers hanging from the ceiling, and lanterns chained in the same place. I slowly turned my head around the room to see that it was a decent size.

I had never seen this room before, I thought. Until I laid my eyes on the keeper of the room,




1724 words


chapter 2 lets goooo!!!!

I went snowboarding on Saturday and absolutely fucked my shoulder up tho, cant lift my arm past the level of my collarbones without feeling like I'm dying!!!!!!!!

I also got a haircut, and my invisaline, because my front teeth are crowding from my wisdom teeth 😡

ALSO MY SPRING FORMAL IS ON THE 26 AND NO ONE IS ASKING ME WTF. I ALREADY HAVE A DRESS N SHI TOO. 😡 (it's ok, all the guys at my school are total duds)

I love everyone for the love on the last chapter, I'm super excited about how this book is gonna turn out😍😍😍😍😍

Love you all!!!

𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙛𝙖𝙡𝙡 (𝙙𝙬𝙩 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now