002. not what it seems

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Oh boy, was Remedy wrong

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Oh boy, was Remedy wrong. The steak was definitely not going to cut it.

"Oh no no no. What are we supposed to do now?" Wanda inquired worriedly.

Remedy rubbed Wanda's arms, trying to sooth her, when she had the most perfect idea. "Why don't we make breakfast for dinner?" She said, vocalizing her proposition.

Wanda thought for only a moment, eventually coming to the realization that Remedy's idea was their last hope.

While the two women were in the kitchen, Vision and Pietro stayed in the living room, trying their best to  distract the Hart's. Vision had even pulled out a ukulele to start playing one of his catchy tunes.

Thankfully, before the guests got too impatient, dinner was ready. The meals were laid out on the already set table as everyone began taking their seats.

"Breakfast for dinner, how very..." Mr. Hart started.

"European." Mrs. Hart finished.

"Well please, eat before it gets cold." Wanda stated.

At Wanda's words everyone then sat and began eating their prepared meals.

Everything was truly going well until Mrs. Hart turned to the four young adults. "So, where did you four move from? What brought you here? How long have you been married? And why don't you have children yet?" The woman had asked quite quizzically.

A TOWN BUILT UPON LIES ,, wandavisionWhere stories live. Discover now