For love

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*Omegaverse au*

Please do take in consideration that it is my first time writing this type of au so I may make mistakes on some of the things that I might misunderstood since
i don't know a lot about it.

So i am sorry in advance for both story and grammatical mistakes.

I hope you will like this first oneshot ! :)


"You're an omega, so the symptoms you told me about are completely normal when in the company of an alpha" said the doctor as the ginger looked at him with widened eyes that soon changed into a deadly glare.

"Uh- What do you mean?! I can't be a stupid omega! It can't be! I don't accept it!" Yelled the boy angrily while the doctor sighed. Chuuya went to the doctor after Kouyou ordered him to do so, he told her that he felt weird on his mission in the morning and Kouyou suspects something right away.

"Please calme down Chuuya, your awakening into an omega was tardive in comparison to others since you're already eighteen. So i can understand that you are surprised and even disappointed about that, but what can you do? It's how life work, you can't choose this sort of things so just accept it and bear with it ... I'm going to give you suppressors, take this pills during your heat and stay in your room when it happens for the first time." Said the doctor as he gave the pills to Chuuya. The ginger snatched them from his hands with anger and slammed the door on his way out.

"Sigh~ young people nowadays..." mumbled the doctor as he went back to do his buisness.

Chuuya furiously walked to his room while taking the path where he knew he won't bump into anyone. His anger wasn't really because of the fact of being an omega but what made his blood boil was that he was worse than him. He was something worse than that
suicidal maniac. He could already imagine how that bastard will make fun of him if he find out about him being an omega.

'No way... i cant let that happen! I have to hide it from as many people as i can...' He decided as he locked himself in his room. He imediatly took one pill to suppress his pheromones. He cursed the whole world for making him an omega.

The next day he waked up and prepared for work, he also took a pill then put the rest in his pocket before walking out of his room. He was in a terrible mood, well more than usually...
He saw some of the subordinates looking at him with confused expressions, he didnt knew if it was because of his tired look or because they could smell his pheromones. Just in case it was because of the second one he took two more pills.

He arrived in front of Mori's office and knocked to the door before entering the room. He saw Mori talking with Kouyou about something, when the woman saw Chuuya she imediatly went toward him with a worried expression.

"What did the doctor say?" She asked, the ginger looked away with an flustrated expression. Kouyou understood what happened and looked at the boy with empathy even if she was an alpha and so was Mori and Dazai he was the only one to be... the only thought of it made him angry.

"So Kouyou was right after all... Well she always had a good sense of smell after all. Still, it is problematic that you are an omega..." said Mori thinking about something. Kouyou looked at Chuuya with an confused expression.

"Chuuya, did you take suppressors?" She asked and Chuuya nodded.

"That good, you shouldn't let other know... some may not react really well... Also its better for Dazai to not know too..." said the port mafia boss.

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