Watch who your calling a bitch BITCH

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~{play song when ever}~

I woke up with the worst headache known to mankind.

 "Damn I feel like I just left a party at Tony's." Tony is one of the kids who bullied me, but after the incident, he became obsessed with me. I couldn't get rid of him. He follows me everywhere and agrees with everything I say. He even dubbed himself my personal bodyguard and tried to keep Na'elia away from me 'for my safety'. At least his parties are awesome.

I rub my head and look at my surroundings. I find myself in a dirty ass alley, and when I say dirty I mean like this was some dirty ass shit. I checked my backpack to see if I was robbed but everything was there. I let go a sigh of sigh relief.

"Thank ya Jesus" I put my hands over my mouth before kissing the sky. "Now time to get the hell out of this shit hole ," I kick out my wheels and skate out of the alleyway fast as fuck.

As I ride down the street, I notice signs that don't look like English but I understand them like them were. 'The fuck' I thought. My face scrunches up to one of pure confusion. 'Am I tripping on that candy the old lady got me?' I never knew old people did drugs, but hey you never know.

I continue down the street and I realize that a car is following me. I sped up to try to make it across the intersection before they could get there. But alas luck was not on my side, because the car sped up and stopped right at the crosswalk blocking my escape.

One of the guys pokes his head out of the window and looks me up and down. "Hey bella" he licks his lips and bites them, effectively creeping me the fuck out. "How much for a night?" The guy next to him chuckles and wiggles his bushy ass eyebrows at me. I look at both of them like they lost their minds. Did they really think I was a prostitute? And even if I was, does he really think I would get with his ugly ass.

Damn the overconfidence and arrogance must be through the damn roof.

I guess he took my disgusted face as an interested one, because he pokes his head in the car and comes back out with a wad of bills in his hand. "I got the money right here Bella, all you need to do is get in the car." I look at the money and then at him. I smirk at him and lean toward the car. "Do you mind if I count it?" I smile at him, while trying not to throw up. "I wanna make sure it's all there before I get in," His grin gets wider as he hands me the money.

"Sure Bella, as a matter of fact," He pokes his head in the car one more time. They guy next to him is still staring a fucking hole through me, and hes freaking me out even more. The first guy comes out with another wad and holds it out to me. "Since you asked nicely I'll pay you extra." I take the other wad of cash, and smile before I begin to count.Halfway through the counting I turn, and speed away like my life depended on it.

"What the hell?"

"Hey stronza where are you going?"

The two guys yell behind me as I skate away. The only goal in mind is to get these guys alone and away from people.

I go back to the alley where I first came out of and go all the way to the end. I hear the two guys stop their car at the end of the alley way before getting out and start chasing me. I get to the end and turn to face them.

"Stupid stronza" the guy who was talking to me smirks and puts his hands in his pockets. "If you're gonna steal and run away at least make sure the alley you run to isn't a dead end," The other guy - who i'm gonna call hype man - smiles before pulling out two brass knuckles.

I smirk at both of them while putting a hand on my hip. "What's your worst nightmare?" I ask while inspecting my nails. "What?" guy one looks confused before shaping his face into a scowl. "Shut up stronza! You think you can scare me?" He scoffs and turns to hype man " I want her alive but make her suffer." He looks at me before smirking "Don't ruin her face too much,"

Hype man looks at me excitedly before stalking toward me. I debate if I wanna make these guys look like fools or just get it over with. I go with the latter. "Black Betty" My stand manifests next to me glaring at the poor fools who have no idea of what's coming. "What did you say Tesoro?" The first guy pulls out a cigar, lights it and smokes it, before going back in his pocket, pulling out some money and counts it. "Are you praying? that's so cute."

My smirk gets even wider, making my cheeks hurt. I snap my fingers and Black Betty drags one of her fingers across the air cutting it slowly, opening a portal. "Nah" I shook my head at the guy as Hype man got closer to me walking directly toward the portal. "But you should pray, it might help you a bit," The hype man falls in my portal, making a yelp as he falls.

The first guy looks up from counting confused as to why he didn't hear suffering yet. He looks at me confused before looking around for his friend. "James? James? Stop fucki-" " Ohhhh so that's his name?" I smile slyly at him as I stalk towards him "I think I like the name hype man better,"

"You crazy stronza!" He stumbles backward before pulling a gun out of his pants and aims it toward me. "Stay back, stay back!" I keep walking toward him and he fires three shots, all of which goes into my portal. All is silent before screams echo through my portal.

On listening to them the guy can't help but to freeze in fear as he recognizes the voice. "Sounds familiar doesn't it?" I tilt my head to the side and look at him innocently. "J-J-James'' The guy whispers as he walks closer. "W-w-what did you do to him?" he starts walking faster "what did you do? What the hell did you do? You crazy stronza answer me! What the hell did you do?!"

With each sentence he walks faster and faster until he is full on sprinting toward me yelling. I almost feel bad when he falls in my portal. Black Betty sips up the portal quickly leaving not a single trace of evidence. "Damn," I fold my hand behind my head and look at the sky. "And he called me a crazy bitch," I look over at Betty and she's folding her arms pouting as she stops the floor. I sigh and smile at her. " I know I know you wanted to do more but I couldn't waste anymore time." I grab the gun he dropped before walking toward the exit. "So I'll let Lucy take care of it,"

I walk out and my stomach grumbles. I look down at my stomach and pat it lovingly. "I know, I know we're gonna get some food soon." I mumble quietly to myself. I'm walking down the street and I walk past a mirror shop. I turn to check myself out and what I see is astronomical.

I'm in a whole ass different outfit!

I have on a black long sleeve cut out crop top, a white pushup bra, with a red dragon design, two black leather straps crossed over my stomach, black low cut detachable cargo pants with a red fishnet design on one leg and white trippy smiley faces one the other. To pull it all together, I have some normal black high heel boots and gold chains on my hip.. Even my damn hair is different. It's in two buns half up, half down style.

As I oggle myself in the mirror, I can't help but to think about the story Hella told me about."Damn I could give Bruno's gang some competition,"

"You really could. You look stunning signora,"

I pause and look up in the mirror

And there stands Bruno Bucciarati and all of his zipper/stripper glory.


~Hello Lovelies~

Sorry for any grammatical errors or spelling errors.

Hope you enjoyed the story so far.

You are beautiful.

Have a wonderful day~

P.S. Kandy is going to be wearing this outfit and hair style for the rest of this book.

(1,476 words)

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