11 ; flammable feelings

Start from the beginning

Gently taking JJ's chin between his thumb and forefinger, he inspected the lip with a scrutinizing gaze. "Who did this?" he asked, tone clipped.

He pressed up onto his hands and hovered over JJ, getting a better look at the entire damage.

JJ sighed and opened his mouth, but no words followed.

"I'll ruin them," Danny promised. Something dark and twisted rose inside of him. He wanted to see the promise through.

"Boom! Five bucks, all of you!" Pope shouted and clapped his hands once.

Danny sat back on his heels and looked over his shoulder. He kept his hand planted firmly against JJ's abdomen. Pope was pumping his fist in the air while John B rolled his eyes.

Leaning up on his elbows, JJ said, "Ignore him."

"No," Kie said and shook her head. "Your bet was threatening to kill. He just said ruin."

"That's the same thing."

"No, it is not!"

Pope rolled his eyes and then nudged John B's arm, "Dude, you agree that Danny ruining someone's life would be like death."

"What the hell are you guys talking about?" Danny asked, nonplussed. When he was ignored, he threw his arms in the air. He stood and brushed the dirt from his pants.

John B shrugged, not convinced. "Whose life has he ruined?"

Pope shook his head disregarding John B and focused back on Kie. He continued, "It's hypothetical. But still, the results would be the same."

Danny watched as the pair bickered back and forth. JJ brushed past him, his fingers dusting across Danny's back, light enough for goosebumps to rise.

JJ tugged at Pope's arm and they sank onto the shared log. "Okay. That's enough," he said with a well placed scowl, and Pope finally relented.

Danny gathered more sturdy sticks and stacked them into the flames. He placed his hands on his hips and stared pointedly at JJ and Pope. Like children properly scolded, they looked away.

John B's drawn-out whistle filled the air and he said, "Dad's mad."

Danny sighed because, yes, he was mad. Now that he knew each boy was safe, his worry receded and his anger rose steadily to the surface, rearing to be released.

Kie snickered from behind him.

"I don't think I have to tell you how upset I am," he said. "To think I had to hear from Topper, Topper, of all people that Pope was about to be arrested."

Danny shook his head. The fire cracked and sparks rose in the air.

"Oh," Danny added and mirthless chuckles spilled from his lips. "And imagine my surprise when I saw JJ with cuffs slapped on his wrists. Yeah, that was fun. Did you guys have fun on your little joy ride?"

Danny sighed and rubbed his brow bone. "Guys," he said. "Why didn't you tell me? I could have fixed all of this. Just let me handle it."

The fire cracked and Danny shifted his weight. None of his friends made a sound and Danny shoved his hands in his pockets. He didn't understand why no one was taking his free pass. He'd use it if anyone offered him one.

"I'm just worried," he added quietly. He motioned to the entire group as he said, "Okay? Next time any of you get in trouble, you tell me. Got it?"

He saw Pope nod minutely, but JJ still stared at the ground between his feet.

Danny took half a step closer to the pair. The flames warmed his shins, but he didn't care much at the moment. All Danny saw when he looked at JJ was the bright, burning bruise on his cheek. Danny couldn't help but feel as if it was his fault that it was there.

Exception // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now