11 ; flammable feelings

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At this rate, Danny was beginning to believe his friends held a meeting and then left all while Danny was still at the Island Club.

He drove up to the cove, which was difficult all in itself, trekked through the woods to their spot, gathered various sticks, started a fire, and still no sign of them.

He sat on the log and poked at the fire with a long stick. The embers sparked and he watched the flames transfixed. He rubbed at his jaw absentmindedly with his folded-up tie, trying to soothe the growing ache. It was still damp and cool enough to counter the hot skin.

It was a bit sticky still. Hell, so was his shirt since those garments weren't his primary concern. Danny peeled the fabric from his chest and unbuttoned the top three from his shirt for it to hang loose.

Lou was probably right, the more he thought about it.

Danny didn't have an objective read on the situation. Maybe his father managed to manipulate him after all. After constantly being berated and told he was a disappointment, he couldn't help but start to believe it subconsciously. He couldn't pinpoint the exact moment when his mind switched from fervent denial of his father's words to rampant insecurity.

It was tricky navigating those feelings.

Deep down, he knew he wasn't a disappointment, but psychological manipulation was a powerful tool.

He can't really recall his mom ever being disappointed in him. But the thought that she might sent a strike of panic deep in his chest. He's already a lost cause to one parent, he couldn't risk the other (even if he didn't care for the approval of his father much).

He felt something brush against his arm and jerked in alarm. He nearly fell off the log but caught himself at the last second. "Fuck," he grumbled when Kie started laughing next to him.

"Gotcha," she said with a bright smile.

"Scared the shit out of me," he said and wiped his hands over his pants to clear the dirt from his hasty movements. He added, "Thought you guys ditched me."

Pope snorted.

"Hey, I happen—" John B started but was soon cut off.

"He got us lost," JJ said casually, with accusation teasing in the undertones. He tossed a stick into the flames.

"It's dark!"

Danny immediately whipped his head to the side. He felt like he could finally take a breath; like it was a balm to soothe the anxious knot in his chest just at the sight of him.

JJ was here and he was real and he was finally right in front of Danny. Danny's world seamlessly righted itself. It was like the final lock in a safe clicking into place. It was a deeply grounding sensation.

He practically tripped over his feet trying to cross the distance to the next log. He latched onto JJ, who fell backward from his sitting position. They crashed to the ground, legs entangled and laughs spilling from their lips.

He didn't care that he was practically dead weight right on top of JJ. He loved the close proximity right now. He needed it. He realized it was all he yearned for ever since JJ was taken away in the police SUV. This bone-deep want, need, was at once both startling and just so right. He allowed the indulgence for once.

"You're okay," Danny whispered. He squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep, steadying breath. He felt JJ hum with his ear pressed against JJ's chest. He lifted his head slightly and smiled in relief.

He could tell exactly when JJ realized that Danny had caught sight of the split lip and swollen cheekbone as JJ's body tensed and he looked away. And all at once, Danny's contented-ness vanished.

Exception // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now