Special Thanks

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Special thanks to...

Chris W.

Real-life inspiration for the character Emmett Pryde. Writing for him felt almost like an artist drawing from a model. Thank you for motivating me in all my lows and sticking with me despite all my wrongdoings. 

Samuel F.

One of my closest friends. An absolute joy to be around, whether it be for emotional support or for shits and giggles. Co-author of several chapters of the original, and important inspiration for the character of Aston, especially the- no, I can't say that here, that would just be a massive spoiler. Please come back at some point. We all miss you.

Blizzy F.

No explanation needed <3

Sophia B.

believe it or not, when I narrated the full story in our discord DMs, it was the first time I've coherently laid out the revisited plot in one organized line. That process helped me solidify everything I've proceeded to write here. So, just by listening, you've actually helped me achieve one of the most important steps to the materialization of the full thing; one that I've been procrastinating on for way too long.

All of the people who read the original

Sometimes, when the writer's block really hits, I'm left sat at my desk, wondering who the hell I'm doing all this for. If you're reading this, the answer is you. You are the reason why I bite the bullet and plough through the days of indolence. Names include Ramshak, hfAleph, Icey, Sparky, Aiden, Blizzy, Alex H., Lucia, Liam, Winz, Novavac, and more. Even if you found it had more flaws than merits (which I do), I would not have been able to make progress without your feedback. 

Love you guys <33

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