one; piss cup

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^^ that is your school outfit! (if you don't like it just picture yourself wearing something else)


"Y/n come on, let's go! Nate is waiting for us outside!" Maddy called out to you, waiting by the front door.

"I'm coming, just a sec!" You quickly grab all of your school stuff and cram it into your bag as quick as you can.

The feeling of all of your important papers scrunching inside of your bag made you cringe, but you didn't have enough time to care.

After all, you were making the Nate Jacobs and Maddy Perez late.

You were not going to hear the end of it until you got to school.

The car horn of Nate's car blared repeatedly, warning you to hurry up.

You quickly zipped up your bag and grabbed your shoes- you're going to have to put them on in the car.

"I'm here, I'm here! Let's go!" Maddy shut the door behind you and jogged over to the car with you.

"Would it kill you to not make us late all the time y/n?" Nate shot at you the moment you shut the car door. He sure doesn't waste time, does he?

"Sorry.." You murmured, putting your shoes on.

"Whatever." He grumbled, speeding off towards school.

"Did you hear about Rue getting out of rehab? That's so good, I am so proud of her." Maddy turned from the front seat and spoke out- in effort to ease the air.

"She's gonna be back on drugs within a few days of getting back- I wouldn't be surprised if she was getting high right now." Nate commented, earning your attention.

"Why the fuck you say that? That's so fucking disrespectful and you should be happy for her making an effort to step up." Maddy shot at him, the aura immediately turned negative and you knew they were about to start fighting.

"I'm not fucking wrong Maddy! Why the fuck should I be proud of her anyway, I've barely even spoken to her since like 9th grade! It's the truth! Rue has never been able to follow things through!" Nate shouted back at your sister.

Now, if Nate were a different person trying to have a go at your sister- you would have totally stepped in and taught them a lesson.

But this was Nate Jacobs.

And these two were constantly battling each other over every little thing. Whether he has an odd tone or Maddy saw him talking to some random chick during class.

Quite frankly, you were over it. So you slipped in your ear buds and hit shuffle on your playlist.


You were so thankful that you didn't share any classes with Nate. He was a real asshole.

Considering you were his girlfriend's twin sister as well? It just made it worse.

"Hey Elliot." You greeted your friend as you placed yourself at the desk beside him.

"Sup birdie," He smiled back, immediately passing you a pencil.

"You are a life saver sir." You thanked him, taking the pencil.

"I know I am... but now that I've done you a favour, I guess this means you have to do me one too." He shot you a sly grin.

"You know, I really though you showed up to school today to get your education. Not to bribe me and get some favours." You jokingly sulked. He barely came to school, maybe once a fortnight? You have no idea how he hasn't had to repeat any years yet.

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