"Because your mom may be leaving again." Josie says unsure

"But— but I don't want her to leave.. I weally weally want to spend time with Hope!" Liv complains

"Don't expect anything from her Liv... we don't know for sure if she's staying."

"W—what d—does that mean mommy?"Liv asked

"Nothing... just be on your best behavior when your great aunt gets here okay?" Josie asked

"Sure mommy... I can do that.. I can do that just fine." Liv smiled

"Let's get you changed out of these school clothes."


"Hopey?" Nik asked

Hope turned down the music.

"Yes nik?" She asked

"I was thinking maybe next time we hang out it could just be me and you." Nik sighed

"What do you mean?" Hope raised her eye brow

"I don't want to hang out with you and ms.Janice anymore...she's so mean." Nik admits

"WHAT?" Freya asked

"Let the boy talk" Hope says "what did she say that was mean?" Hope raised her eye brow some more

"She said... she said that I'm unwanted and that kids suck.. because.. because I couldn't get my problem right for the math homework she was helping me with." Nik admits

"I will kill her!" Freya yelled

"Let me talk with her first" Hope says

"What?" Freya asked

"I'm tired of hearing you say what." Hope says

"And I'm tired of your girlfriend... I guess we are even" Freya says

"I just want this to work out.. like I really want everyone to get along and what Janice said was wrong and dumb but please just at least let me get her to apologize" Hope bites her bottom lip.

"Okay—okay fine but this is her last chance... and if I have to hear she said anything about Josie and now liv... Then I won't hesitate to kill her." Freya assured

Hope was honestly scared..Hope never heard her aunt talk about someone like this.


The door bell rung.

"It's mom! It's mom! It's mom!" Liv says as she jumped around the living room.

"Yup... yeah it is." Josie say

She took a deep breath and then opened the door.

"Hey nik... I haven't seen you since you were like 4" Josie says

Nik smiled and ran to hug her.

"Mom!" Liv yells before going to hug Hope for like the 3rd time today.

It warmed hopes heart to hear Liv call her mom.. she was so cute and Hope honestly could listen to her talk for hours.

"Hello princess..." Hope says before picking her up.

"Is that my favorite great niece?" Freya smiled at Liv

"She's your only great niece, unless Hope has another kid that I don't know about." Josie jokes

Freya looked over at Hope and smiled

"She has a kid that's in a adult body... the brain is in a different state" Freya wasn't joking.. although Josie thought she was

"Hi!" Liv says

"I be good girl!" Liv added as she got down and ran to hug Freya.

Liv is such a playful and lovable baby...

"I missed you so much.." Freya says before giving Josie a hug.

Josie hugged back.

"I missed you too Freya.. and I missed Rebekah and everyone else." Josie confines

"But you missed me more right?" Freya raised her eye brow

Josie chuckled

"Yes... but don't tell Rebekah... she would kill me." Josie worried

"So, what did you guys want to talk about?" Freya asked

"It's about Liv..." Hope slips her hand in her back pocket.


"Okay... so Liv I want you to go sit at the table with your cousin nik... I'll be in there to give you a snack soon." Josie assured

"Ooootayy mommy!" Liv says before she started to hop to the kitchen.

"She's so adorable" Hope murmured to herself

Nik then followed along.

"I'm going to go make them a snack... you can tell her about the whole power thing Hope." Josie says

Hope nodded.

Josie then walked into the kitchen.

"So what's going on with Liv and her powers?"

"She can't control it.. and every time I'm far away she overpowers with power.. it flows in her body like she's some power source." Hope explained

"Uhh—that's a problem" Freya says

"And why is that?" Hope asked

"That would mean... that would mean she's a siphoner.. that's channeling the magic of all her dead ancestors.. it over powers when you aren't near because you balance her.. it's something called a 'witch transfer bond' since she is your child she will be on over drive more than you will." Freya says

"But she hasn't been next to me her whole life until today." Hope states

"Yes.. but every since you weren't here she's been having random out burst.. and 2 weeks ago triggered it more." Josie buts in as she walked back into the living room.

"Which means..." Hope trailed off "Which means that knife triggered it off.. that means me and our daughter are magically connected no matter what."

"Which means you can't stay away from Liv for long before the world becomes no more." Freya confirmed the words Josie didn't want to hear.

Josie knew that this would change everything but she was so pissed at herself for not being more careful.. now she has no choice but to be bound to Hope.. forever now...

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