chapter 2: tubas rising

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While dead was walking out of the neighborhood, dead was curious what happened while he was at the renunion, but while thinking, he came across a tuba merchants, dead remembered that tuba merchants are not harmless at all, they just want to help unless if you are at the tuba castle.

Tuba merchant: hello good sir, mind buying some weapons?

Dead: sure how much is is shotgun?

Tuba merchant: this by15 shotgun has 38x3 damage, $38 please

Dead hands in the $38 and takes the shotgun, dead walked for hours, hoping to find a place,so dead came across a small hut with resources so dead decided to stay there for awhile since theres not much time left till nighttime, so he has to get weapons, 30 minutes later a horde of tubas are coming towards them, dead managed to kill all of them, 2nd horde and the 3rd horde make a team together, they are both pretty strong and luckily he brought his bazooka from his house and exploded them, luckily it did not burn the house, a new type was discovered by him called: the tank, its was pretty hard to defeat but weak in ranged and close ranged combat considering its giant body mostly by tubas to form armor but due to its heavy body, it can no longer fight, daytime is almost here but still, he has to bring a lot of supplies to get to the next destination, so he packs his backs again and ready to go

Tuba Invasion Part 1Where stories live. Discover now