GAY part 6 - finale

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horseface starts running down the street back to his moms house, knowing in his head that something was wrong. He could tell sadly that this relationship wasnt going to last much longer yet he tried to hold on to it for as much longer as he could. He hears something in the distrance and turns around to see yuri chasing after him waving somethinf while screaming oht for him. Horseface makes out a few words: "HEY! WAI- —- FORGO— OMTHING"
yuri screams as horseface tries to understand what he said. Horseface starts walking back towards him while the morning traffic starts to happen and yuris still running full speed at him. Horseface looks down to make sure his shoes r tied before he starts running and looks bavk up then doesnt see yuri anymore... "YURI?!" He shouts and looks around for him. Hes no whwre in sight...

Horseface starts running to him knowing that he has to end things soon and wants to say it face to face but now he needs to find him. .......Hrseface spots a bunch of cars pulled over and huddled arohnd something while one of the cars has a long blood splattered trail. He runs over thinking the worst.. and the worst becomes the truth. Yuri was hit by a car..

People check his pulse and try to do cpr. No luck. Horseface knows things are over now. He runs down the street faster than before not looking back on yuri. Everything was over , everything is over, theres no use, life is pointless. These thiughts kept running through Horsefaces mind. He wished he could say bye to yuri before all of this happened. He felt like it was all his fault, no it wasnt. Arson sees horseface running off in the distance and they chase after him. Arson sees what happened and convicnces horseface that its not them. Things where done for good. They agreed not to dwell on the past and continue on. Yuri became a ghost and met another ghost mever to be seen again. Horseface years later had moved on completely, and married an hot anime waifu babe.

Look forward to the future and keep moving ahead.

GAY - The End
Written by: hitch

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