GAY pt 2

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they then hold hands and run away all the way to the school bathroom. "THANKS FOR MARRYING ME" screamed horseface " I LOVE U!!!!" YURI REPLIED . They both blushed and and started 😘😗😙😚😙😚😘😗😚😘😬ing. Arson walked into the hathroom only to see what was happening. "OMG WHAT" Arson takes a picture and runs out of the bathroom then down the stairs to the classroom. "NO ARSON!" Yuri yells, "AFTER ARSON" Horseface and yuri go chasing after arson (this goes on for 15 hours 3 mins and 49 seconds of this high speed chasing) arson drops theyre phone and horseface gets it but its face id so he puts sun glasses on to turn it on and delete the photo. Arson kicks spider levi in the balls grabs theyre phone and leaves #BOSS. Yuri turns around and says "its ok spider levi we did get married in front of everyone at school so uh its fine" they then start 😘😗😗😗😍😍😍😙😚😙😗 again and fall asleep under the moonlight on a random sidewalk.


GAYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora