1 (Mother nature)

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Y/n pov

Me: "Nothing is better than nature and music, hm~♪"

*Rustle, Rustle*

Me: "... Who's there...?"

I was so scared when I heard those rustling from the tree

?????: "I heard you like nature? Well you are a really handsome sapling"

Me: "hm? I'm sorry but may I know who you are?"

?????: "Im Ceres Fauna you?"

?????: "Im Ceres Fauna you?"

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Me: "Y/n, Y/n Watson"

Fauna: "You seem very scared why? You said you loved nature right?"

Me: "I was just scared because I heard rustling and it made my heart jump..."

Fauna: "Oh really? What kind of flower do you like?"

Me: "um... Lily?"

Fauna: "that's beautiful do you want one?"

Me: "um sure?"

4 months later
Fauna pov

Me and y/n got along well but it seems like something is bothering him while reading the letter he found

Fauna pov

Y/n: "That's a nice nature walk thank you fauna!"

Me: "Yeah it's no problem y/n, oh? Is that a letter?"

Y/n: "where? Oh"

He then picked it up and said

Y/n: "It's from my sister! For me!"

And I swear he looks so adorable I also learnt that he is the prince of peace because he likes quiet things but looking at it now... Their really handsome

Y/n: "Dear twin sibling *mumble, mumble*.... What?"

Y/n pov

Me: "dear twin sibling we have 5 months deadline the end of you fun with mother nature is (***/*/****) Goodluck! Hope you don't cry as much as I did about Gura the shark I met in Atlantis!

Your dear twin sister Amelia

Me: 'Seriously'

Back to fauna pov

Y/n: "hey fauna"

Me: "Yes y/n?"

Y/n: "I have to leave next month..."

Me: "Eh? Why....?"

Y/n: "Um... Family problems? Yeah! Family problems! My uhh sister is injured and I have to go next month!"

Me: 'seems suspicious...' "Okay y/n!"

Next moth last day
3rd pov

Fauna: "y/n... Please promise me you won't forget me?"

Y/n: 'I don't really know I have a bad memory but okay' "don't worry I won't fauna"

A portal appeared behind y/n that has owl feathers around they were quite unsure at first but hey ya gotta do whatcha gotta do right? Well before he enters the portal fauna hugged them tightly


She says tearing up, y/n is a nice,kind, peaceful, cool, headed, lovable, trustworthy, hardworking, reliable, mature, respectful, responsible and soft hearted Child. He can't take fauna crying so they hugged her back but they have to go.

Y/n: "Fauna please let me go..."

Fauna let them go as they enter through the portal saying- "Don't be sad we will see each other again" with that they left... Fauna got to a room called “The council” and she told everyone about y/n

???: "Oh? A Watson? No wonder"


????: "?????? Calm down maybe there different"

?????: "Y/n? Oh they're gonna visit me next!"

Fauna: "Oh ????? Your so lucky.."

??????: "HOW IS SHE LUCK?!"

With that Mumei left to go see y/n

Holocouncil X Non-binary reader (how they met) vol.2Where stories live. Discover now