Chapter 7: Room 545

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⚠️TW⚠️: Mentions of SH, (if you need to skip i completely understand)

Everyone looked at it in horror as I put my slip of paper on the table. Bev put her hand over her mouth, holding back tears.

"Guess Stanley Could Not Cut It :)"

I sat there for a second, unable to move. Eddie spoke first. "Why does it say Stanley?!" Everyone was looking around at each other in silence. "Someone else fucking answer me!!" The table shook and started to rumble, everyone looked towards the center of it. The bowl of fortune cookies the waitress had brought started to shake violently. One single cookie leapt from the bowl onto the table and started breaking open.

Everyone backed up in shock. Richie touched his forehead, the stress very apparent on his face. "What the fuck is that?!" The cookie broke open to reveal a bug, with a baby's face. It was screeching and mimicking a baby's cries as it crawled around the table, knocking over anything in its path. Three more popped out of the bowl, revealing other disgusting creatures hidden inside of them, one specifically being a detached eyeball. "Hey! Hey! That fortune cookie is looking at me! Shit!" Richie screamed as everyone started backing up from the table.

Chaos ensued as little creatures started breaking out of fortune cookies left and right. A cookie with bat wings started flying around attacking everyone. I looked up to see strange black goo overflowing from the bowl, disintegrating everything in its path. At this point I was up against one of the fish tanks, tears stinging my eyes. My body was locked up until I started hearing distorted singing. I slowly look  over to see floating heads of dead children in the fish tank surrounded by bloody water. I jump away from the tank and put my hand over my mouth, choking back a scream, Tears were streaming down my face as Mike started shouting "This isn't real! This isn't real!" He picked up a chair and started smacking the table with it, hearing screeching and squishing with every wack.

Suddenly the waitress walked in and everything had stopped, there was nothing in the fish tanks. No little fortune cookie creatures. The look on her face said it all.  "Is everything okay?" We all looked at her stunned. Richie made an awkward face. "Uhh...yeah....could we get the check?" She nodded and quickly walked away. We stood there in shock for a minute, not sure of what to do.

After grabbing the check we quickly grabbed our things and booked it out of there. Eddie spoke up first. "That's what Pennywise does right? It fucks with Stan is probably fine, right?" I nervously glanced at Bev. "Mike you have Stan's number, right?" He nodded "yeah.." Suddenly we hear a voice behind us.

"Hey Richie!" We all turned around, very concerned and confused. Richie turned white as a ghost. "How do you know my name?" The kid smiled. "The fun is just beginning, right?" His smile getting even wider. Richie pretty much snapped. " Do you think this is funny, huh? Well fuck you! Alright? FUCK YOU! I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU!" The kid now looked confused. "The fun is just's a line from your act dude. I'm a fan." I could see Richie's face turning red when the realization hit. He pointed behind him, "Are those your parents?" The kid nodded. "yeah.." He awkwardly smiled "Do you want a picture?" The kid's parents beckoned him. "I think I'm good." The awkwardness in the room rose as Richie tried to redeem himself by saying "Okay cool, cute kid.." His parents just glared back at him while walking away.

We all turned away and Ben said "Jeez Rich, you don't know a line from your own show?" Richie sighed, "I don't write my own material." Eddie's face lit up slightly "I knew it! I fucking knew it!" I held back a smile, I really did miss these guys.

As we were all quietly chatting while walking outside, Bev finally called Stan's cell number. "Hello Mrs. Uris, my name is Beverly Marsh. I apologize for calling, but I am an old friend of your husbands.." Richie and Eddie started yelling at Mike, I look over and shush them so I can hear what Bev is saying. Ben helps by speaking up and it gets them to be quiet. "Oh..he passed." My heart jumped into my throat. Bev's voice quivered. "When did it happen?" the line was silent for a moment. "Yesterday. The way it happened....he slit his the bathtub...I'm sorry. I have to go.." We were all shell shocked. "We're all so sorry, Patty." We heard faint sobbing. "Thank you." and the phone hung up.

Eddie's voice broke the silence. "Stanley. Pennywise knew. He knew before we did!" Mike chimed in. "We have to stop him, I have a plan..." Richie interrupted him. "I have a plan, let's get the fuck out of dodge before this ends worse than one of Bill's books. Who's with me?" Eddie raised his hand. I could see the frustration on Mike's face. "We made a promise to each other!" Richie shot back " Well let's unmake the promise.." Ben spoke up. "Richie, other people are going to die." He shrugged "Other people die every day man! We don't owe this town shit.." I stared walking away, I couldn't handle the bickering anymore.

I swung open my door and slammed it behind me. I quickly grabbed my cigarette from the passenger seat and my lighter. I brought it to my lips and lit it. The smell and taste of the smoke made my heart jump. I started the car and pulled out, just ready for bed at this point.

I pulled into the Inn's parking lot, looking forward to just hugging my daughters. I drove with my windows down in hopes to lessen the smell of smoke. I walk inside and pass the front desk. The whole hotel felt weirdly empty, no receptionist, no janitor, etc. I finally get to the elevator and press the button. It felt like hours had passed when the doors finally popped opened. I step in and try to check the time on my phone, but it seemed to have died. "Weird. It was at 99% when I long were we at that restaurant?"

The elevator had finally reached my floor. My feet felt heavier with every step, but something was off. My heart dropped to my ass.

I couldn't find the room.

I walked back to the elevators and counted the rooms out loud. "542, 543, 544, 54...6? What?" I grabbed my keycard out of my purse. "545..what the hell is going on? Maybe I'm just tired..." As I'm studying the keycard, I hear a loud pop behind me. My brain doesn't register it at first, but then my whole body freezes.

"Hello y/n. It's been a long 27 years...I've missed you."

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