"Okay.." Mg says

He then hung up.

Hope sighed before walking back to the table.

"I know you Janice and I think that maybe you don't need to be." Freya says

"What's going on girls?" Hope asked them as she walked up to the table.

She could smell the tension.

"I'm just talking with Janice" Freya says

"She doesn't think I'm good enough for you hope." Janice says as she looked up at Hope

"What?" Hope asked

"It's not that.. I was just asking her some questions" Freya assured

"Whatever... what ever you guys got going on save it.. I'm packing for mystic falls." Hope says

Freya got up from the table.  "You are?" Freya smiled

"Yeah I have to go revisit the Salvatore school."

"Like the one where you met your ex... jonnie was it?" Janice asked

"It's Josie get it right" Freya rolled her eyes

Hope glared at her.

"Right.. Josie" Janice say

"I'm not going to talk with Mg.. I don't even hope to see Josie.."

"Can I go with you? You know... since it's not a big deal?" Janice asked.

Janet had always been the clingy one and dad and erkes hope nerves as much as she thought it would but right now she's thinking otherwise she doesn't know why Janice will be so jealous when hope doesn't even have feelings for josie well at least not anymore and if she was to see her it'll probably be on a friendly basis.

"You can come." Hope says

"Great" Janice pecked hope on the lips before running up the stairs.

"I don't like this Hope... I don't think this will go well" Freya says

"Listen aunt freya... this is my decision to make so let me make it okay?" Hope asked

"Okay.. but when this all blows over then I don't want to hear it." Freya says

"Let's go nik.. it's time we get packed." She added

"What time are we leaving?" Hope asked

"Tonight... it's a 14 hour drive.. so at 11.." freya says

"Works good for me.. I'm just going to do these dishes and after then i will get packed and be all ready." Hope assured

"Don't be too long now" Freya says

"Bye hopey!" Nik says with a smile

"I'm going to see you in like 2 hours buddy." Hope smiled

She loves kids... she even wish she could have had kids of her own..

She's a full on tribrid now so it's not even possible anymore.


"It's time for bed liv!" Josie yelled

"No no no no mommy! I want to dance and stay up... and play!" Liv pouted

She definitely got her pouts from Josie.

"No missy... you have first day back to school tomorrow.. you don't want to be sleeping all day tomorrow" Josie bargains

"I do mommy! I want to stay home.. wait.. no! I don't wanna I wanna go to school" liv pouts.

"You'll get to see auntie Lizzie and uncle Mg" Josie negotiates

"Mmm, can you wead me a bed time stowy?" Liv tilts her head to the left side

"I'll read you anything you want Andrea." Josie smiles

"I—I love—I love when you say my middle name mommy! It's so pweety.." liv gets into her bed

"Yeah.. it's your moms middle name too." Josie tells her as she sits on

"What?? Mom has the same name? T—that's so c—cool" liv stutters

"Mhmm.. now what book should we read first my angel?" Josie asked


Hope was all packed up and everything was clean... Hope never likes a messy house no matter what... she practically invented the terms stress cleaning

"I'm ready Hope!" Janice says

Hope looked at her watch.

Then her phone rung.

She picked up.

"We are out side hope... and if you ever want to... you know... leave Janice the offer still stands"

"We will be out there now aunt freya" Hope hangs up the call

Janice brought her bag to the car and Hope brought hers too.

"Nik is sleep so don't do anything to wake him up.. it's a long drive." Freya tells more to Janice because she will be sitting in the back.

"Okay... is everyone all ready?" Freya asked

"I am so ready!" Janice says

The look Hope seen on freyas face told her that Freya really despise the girl.

Hope doesn't know why all of a sudden but she just does.

Freya phone ranged before they started driving.

"Hello?" Freya asked

"I need your help.. I heard you were coming to mystic falls so I wanted to ask if I can get your help before you return back" Josie says on the other line

"Of course.. anything for my favorite niece in law." Freya smiles

"What about me?" Janice asked

"Nobody was talking about you sit back." Freya rolled her eyes

"I'll be there by tomorrow." Freya says

"Mystic falls here we come" Hope muttered.

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