22. Date Night🧁

Start from the beginning

Xavier rubbed his chin. "Have you asked him?"

"Not really." Casey fiddled with his apron. "I'll bring it up soon, but I don't wanna ruin our date. I trust August and I really like him. It's not like he knew everything about Veronica either. He was shocked when I told him that she crashed her car with Wyatt in the backseat."

"It was a shitty and reckless thing for her to do," Xavier replied. "Has August met your son yet? I assume he knows about Wyatt."

"Yep. I actually invited him over once while Dad and Lani were still at work," Casey told him. "We just sat in the living room, talking and watching cartoons. Wyatt seemed to like him a lot too."

"You think he'd make a good step-dad?"

Heat rose in Casey's cheeks. "That's jumping the gun, isn't it? We've just started dating, you know. I'd never make August do that if he doesn't want to, but he understands that Wyatt comes first in my life."

"Gotcha. Just a thought, since you really like the guy," Xavier replied.

"Yeah, I do, and it's definitely something we'll discuss later if things work out well," Casey said. "For now, we're just gonna take things slow, see where it goes."

"Well, tell me how your date goes, okay?" Xavier said.

"Sure thing."

The rest of Casey's shift dragged on tediously, but he had enough time to head home for a quick shower then change into something nice for their date tonight. He settled on some dark denim jeans paired with a brown windbreaker; a gift from his mother last Christmas. After donning the jacket, he wondered what his mom would think of him seeing August. Surely, she would've come around and realized that he was a good guy with genuine intentions.

"Whatcha think?" Casey asked, forcing an awkward smile in his son's direction.

Wyatt gave him an approving thumbs up. "Can I come with you?"

"Sorry, pal. It's just grown-ups tonight." Casey rustled up his hair. "But maybe next time, I can see if August would wanna go sledding with us. Sounds like fun, yeah?"

"Okay." Wyatt pouted. "You be home to read me a story?"

"Of course. I'll have a brand new story for ya."

Wyatt's face lit up. "With pirates and princesses?"

"We'll see."

"Aunt Lani said she gots lots of playdough to play with while you are gone," Wyatt said. "But we has to play in the kitchen table cuz it gets messy."

"That's right. I should be home a little before you go to bed, okay? If you need anything, just have Lani call me," Wyatt told him.

"Okay." Wyatt playfully saluted him. "Have fun, Daddy!"

Casey smiled. "I will."


Amber light pooled across the sidewalk they crossed. Snowflakes drifted in Casey's hair and alighted on the sides of his face as he reached down for August's hand, interlocking their fingers together. A speck of moonlight protruded from the colossal buildings around them. Casey snuggled closer to August's body as they neared the restaurant, keeping a close eye out for any suspicious vehicles or particular people watching them.

Although Casey planned to unwind tonight, he wouldn't let his guard down entirely. Someone still wanted him dead. Even amongst a public setting, Casey had no doubts those wretched gangsters would attempt to come after him.

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