part ten

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"You did buy it, huh?" Lise asked as she grabbed the candle that rests near the couch. Tim's attention snapped towards her as he left his jacket in the coat rack. He smiled.

"Yeah. Fun fact, I am a Slytherin too."

"I think I knew since I saw you wearing that sweater for some interview." He chuckled.

"So...are you hungry?" She placed the candle down.

"I am."

"What are you in the mood for?" She thought for a hot minute.

"Chicken nuggets." Tim smiled before he nodded and ordered for two Happy Meals that would arrive in about fifteen to twenty minutes.

They turned their phones off after sending a message to important people that said: 'i'm not available rn. i'll talk to you in the morning', and proceeded to use that time to catch up, all those months without talking...a lot of things had happened. And now they could use time to their advantage, because in this precise moment, they had all the time of the world.

  Their foot arrived and the bell rang when Tim was pouring wine into a pair of glasses, so, Lise walked up to the door and received the food Timmy had already payed for.

  They sat down on the kitchen bar stools and ate their meal. It was a funny combination: chicken nuggets and red wine. They really are adult-kids.

When they were done eating, they opened the toys that came with it. A pair of Star Wars bubble headed toys. Tim got Chewbacca while Lise got Anakin Skywalker. They played with them a bit, for those were little space ship toys and threw cardboard pieces as if they were blasts or something.

After about ten minutes of playing with the toys, Tim stood up and played some music. They were sitting on the couch, doing nothing but hugging when a soft guitar started playing. Timmy smiled as the voice of Stephen Sanchez started echoing in his apartment.

"Georgia, wrap me up in all your..."
"I want you in my arms oh, let me hold you..."
"I'll never let you go again, like I did"

"Can I have this dance, mon chéri?" He asked after he had stood up, extending a hand and she giggled before taking it. She was barefoot at this point, for she had kicked her shoes off by the entrance when he said 'make yourself feel at home'. He spinned her around before placing her torso against his and slow dance to the lyrics of the song. Looking deeply into each other's eyes.

"I would never fall in love again, until I found her"
"I said 'I would never fall unless it's you I fall into'"

"I was lost within the darkness but then I found her..." He sang and stared at her freckles as he did. "I found you..." She smiled at him and he spinned her around again, making her giggle.

  The music continued to echo through the little home and, if you were outside, just walking and waiting for the traffic light to go red for you to cross the street, and looked up as you wander around, casually finding Timothée Chalamet apartment's wall of windows, you'd find something like a scene taken out of a film.

You'd be able to see two young dudes who had fallen in love with each other in a flash when they bumped into each other and ended up smelling like orange juice, dancing and fooling around in the living room as if they were the only people in the world. Because at the end, they're the only people in their world.

  They had fallen into each other. They had their hard times, sure, but he found her, and she found him. They helped each other. It's like that thing people say: 'two hearts trying to heal each other, is love'. You may think that they also damaged each other, true. I'll give you that. However, when they were separated from each other they never wished any harm, they wished for the other one to be okay. And they wished to be together again, but they stood silent about that. Keeping it to themselves.

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