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Their parents had been in business since the two girls could remember. Always being dragged to fancy parties, Kate forced into sparkly pink dresses despite all her protesting. Amara happily wearing any sparkly puffy dress her parents handed her.

They would sneak around under tables collecting desserts since their parents would be too busy talking business to noticed the small children eating too much sugar for their own good.

Then as they got older, they grew apart for a few years, still seeing each other at parties, but Kate got very into her archery and numerous other competitions, while Amara was focused on her own adventures, constantly in the studio creating new sculptures.

But something about freshman year of college brought them back together, living next door to each other probably helped. They'd spend nights watching movies, the relationship quickly becoming more then just friends the more time the two spent together.

Amara would make trips to support Kate at competitions, she even made Kate a little clay sculpture of Artimes, the Greek goddess, bow and all, because she said Kate reminded her of her. Amara was even there the night she broke the bell tower.

"Did you see that?" Kate questioned after banging on Amara's apartment door the next day.

"Huh?" she questioned half asleep.

"Last night, the tower!"

"First, why are you so hyper, it's nine am, second I think everyone saw it, Kate," Amara spoke as she turned back into her small apartment, Kate following her in, shutting the door.

"Uhm it's actually almost eleven, Mar"

"Wait, what?" Amara peaked up, turning to Kate who just nodded.

"What time is it exactly?"

"Uhm," Kate dug in her coat for her phone.

"Kate, what time is it?" Amara started rushing around the room, panicking, "What time is it?"

"Hold on!" Kate pulled her phone out, "Ten forty"

"Shit, shit shit," Amara grabbed her backpack, "I have a final in twenty minutes, I fell asleep studying last night and forgot to set an alarm, I have to run"

"I'll see you tonight?" Kate called after the dark haired girl.


Hours later, after Amara took her final and then drove back into the city from campus to her family's penthouse.

"Amara! Sweetie!" her mom smiled when her daughter entered the oversized apartment.

"Hi, mama," she smiled as the two hugged.

"Your dress is up in your room, we aren't leaving until six so you have plenty of time," her mom smiled.

"I'm actually going to get ready now and then head over to Kate's if that's okay?"

"That's the Bishop's girl correct?"

Amara nodded.

"As long as you make it to the party, that's okay with me," her mom smiled before turning away.

secrets // kate bishopDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora