Chapter 5: Stray

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"Thank you for your answer." He smiles before completely disappearing.

"Are you sure about what you did?"

"Yeah. It's either that or the whole of Vale can pin the crimes on me." She answers. "Come, we need to find them."

In the distance (Y/N) watches as Blake and the Blonde Monkey exit the small balcony cafeteria.

"Adam Taurus, huh?" (Y/N) smiles as he looks up at the sky. "Then I would like to be the serpent of your demise."

He then sees his group of friends searching for Blake. He walks away and began leaping from roof to roof.

"This should be interesting."


"So, Blake is your friend?" Penny asks

Ruby sighs as they make their way down the sidewalk, "Yes, Penny."

"But you're mad at her?" Penny responds.

"Yes. Well, We're not. Weiss is." Akari answers. "I'll be trying to find her in a different place. Good Luck you two." Akari splits off from the two.

"Good luck, Akari!" Ruby yells and gives her a wave.

"Goodbye friend!" Penny repeats what Ruby did. "Is she friends with Blake?" She continues.

"Well, that's kind of up in the air right now..." Ruby tells her.

Penny now trying to contemplate this, "But why?"

Ruby sighs again, "Well, you see, Blake might not be who we thought she was..."

Penny gasps, "Is she a man?"

"No! No, Penny. She's..." Ruby stops and sighs, looking at Penny as she talks now, "I don't know what she is. She didn't exactly talk to us before she decided to run off."

"I don't have a lot of friends, but if I did, I would want them to talk to me about things." Penny comments.

Ruby turns her gaze downward sadly, "Me too..." they continue walking.

Unbeknownst to them, a figure watches from the roofs of the buildings.


Time seems to pass as night falls onto the peaceful kingdom of Vale until a large explosion was heard. Penny and Ruby turn around upon hearing the noise, seeing the smoke rise from the docking bay just a few buildings away, and run towards it. The figure quickly follows behind using the buildings as a stepping stone.

They wore a black outfit with a veil covering his face, as black hair gently pushes with the wind.

It watches on as a fight is breaking out on the docks. With a Black and Blonde haired faunnus fighting a bowler hat criminal. Quickly finding a different spot he spots an unsuspecting group of White Fang members and quickly kills one. The group turns seeing their member on the floor bleeding away.

"It's the Dark Sun!" One grunt yells as he points his weapon at the figure.

Quickly rushing towards the grunts it slices through the Aura of the members killing them instantly as mini-explosions happen on their bodies. After dispatching the 1st batch The Dark Sun looks up seeing more White Fang Members landing and aiming at him.

'5 members.'

Swinging his blade to wipe off the blood it looks at them. "Scum." It says before charging at the white fang.

As they shoot the Figure seems to be faster than the bullets quickly weaving in and out of the line of fire as the figure quickly closes into one he does an upward diagonal cut followed by ice dust embedded in the blade causing the member to completely get covered in ice.

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