Chapter 2: A Day in Beacon...

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(Y/N) slowly blinks his eyes awake seeing a white ceiling, gently sitting up he looks around seeing that he's tucked in a nursery room of sorts.

He pulls the blanket off him and got off the bed. "Where am I?" He asks himself but a gasp caught his answer.

Turning where it came from he sees beacon's nurse. She walks up to him, "Are you feeling fine young man?"

(Y/N) raises a brow. "I'm alright... is there something wrong?"

"Well, do you remember anything before you fainted?" She takes a stool and sat down near (Y/N).

"I... Remember dealing the finishing blow onto a deathstalker, swore then blacked out." (Y/N) answered. "... Where are they?" He asked.

"They are in Professor Port's class as of right now I believe." She answers. "Don't tell me you are going!?"

"I need to extend the limits of this weak body of mine." He coughs a bit before getting off the bed.

"No no no no!" She stands from her seat and walks up to (Y/N).

"You need to rest sir." She tells him.

"I'm okay... Trust me." (Y/N) began to limply walk away.

But the moment he approached the door, it opened revealing Professor Goodwitch.

(Y/N) and the nurse looks at her. "Oh! Mr. (Y/N), glad that you are awake. Tell me are you feeling alright?"

(Y/N) nodded. "Yeah... I'm alright." He says as he tries to use the wall to lean on.

"Any news?" He asks taking slow deep breaths.

"Well, welcome to beacon young man," Glynda tells him.

"What?" (Y/N) ask. "You sure?"

"Yeah. I came here to give you your dorm room keys and help you go there. If you were active." She answers as (Y/N) stands up slouched.

"Shall we?" She asks.

"Wait!" The nurse goes to her drawers and took something from inside.

"Here. Take this." She hands him a small pill container.

"Don't abuse it." She points at his face.

(Y/N) smiles at her. "Don't worry. I won't."

"Anyway. Thanks, nurse for taking care of me!" He says while walking out of the door.

The two quietly walk down the halls of the academy. For some time but he could see students seeing inside the different rooms with different professors.

"So... Who's team am I on?" (Y/N) asks now normally walking no longer need to use the wall as a crutch.

"You are team NKLS." Professor Goodwitch tells him. "With you being the leader."

"That's quite surprising." He comments but stops upon seeing her stop.

"Here is your dorm room and your schedule. You were excused to classes due to your fainting." She tells him. "You can stay as long as you want but you need to provide an excuse for your extended stay."

"Don't worry it won't be long till I'm studying." He tells her.

"Then I wish you luck with your recovery." The professor nodded and walked off.

(Y/N) released a sigh of relief before entering the room. He spots 4 beds all having a bag on them but one has two weapons on it. he sighs and walks to the bag recognizing it along with the two weapons as his.

He sighs and began checking his weaponry seeing it cleaned. He checks his backpack to see if there are any more bullets, there are none.

"Looks like I'll need to buy more." He sighed as the door opened.

"Yo." He greets them.

Akari ran up to him and hugged the boy. He looked at the shorter girl with confusion. The hug felt as if his younger sibling was hugging him.

He suppressed his emotions and just quietly pats Akari's head. "So... What has happened?"

"Well... The professors want to get an explanation from you." Azure tells him, sitting down on her bed.

"I'll get to it soon." He tries to get up only to forget that his classmate kept her grip.

"The fuck." He sighs and gently pushes her off.

Akari had fallen asleep. "God... She's like a child." (Y/N) comments and sat on a chair and began to type on his scroll.

"So what did the cowardly lion do?" He asks while typing away at his scroll.

"I'm not a coward!" Shiro yells as he frantically types away at his scroll.

"The initiation showed something else." Azure retorts. "Not to mention you almost got a teammate killed, fortunately (Y/N) was there."

"W-well... I was stressed!" He continues to write. "Besides what would you do!?"

"Kill the Grimm." Azure replies. "Isn't that what Huntsmen and Huntresses do?"

The teen slumped over the desk feeling defeated. (Y/N) sighed and get off his chair and walked towards Shiro. Once he stands right beside him he pats his back.

"You'll get over your fear soon. Just, make sure to do the right thing next time." He walks back to his chair and continues to write his reason for not attending.

They couldn't hear it but Shiro released a sniffle.

[Time Skip]

"Are you sure? You coming to combat class might be a bad idea." Azure questions (Y/N) as team NKLS walk down the corridors to Professor Goodwitch's class.

"It's fine." (Y/N) gives her a smile making her sigh.

"Your call." Azure opens the door to the room where they all enter.

Taking their seats as Professor Goodwitch began introductions and lessons. Taking notes as (Y/N) uses his scroll to write it down.

They were peacefully having a normal conversation until, Professor Goodwitch calls for a combat exercise, but before she could call two students the bell rang.

She sighed as she dismissed the class. Team NKLS walked back to their dorm. They all took a chair from the desk and made a circle.

"So... What are your semblances?" Azure asks, pointing at her teammates.

Akari was 1st to answer. "3-point knockout, as long as I can hit my enemy 3 times I can break their aura."

"Interesting." Azure comments before looking at Shiro. "Yours?"

"Well... I haven't seen it in combat but my old friends called it "Slumbering Lion." So there's that." Shiro replies.

"What about your Azure?" (Y/N) asks. "What is your semblance."

She crosses her arms. "I call it "Jackpot." I can aim at a weak spot as long as it can be seen and I won't miss."

(Y/N) sighed. "Guess it's my turn."

"My semblance is, "Overload", as long as I hit anything I can make it explode with additional effects if they survive."

"I saw you fainted when you inhaled too much oxygen. What's the reason?" Azure asks.

"That's part of my semblance. The more oxygen I inhale I can produce a stronger output but it's a hit or miss as my body... Is weak." He answers.

"So... As long as you don't go unconscious you can output plenty of those powerful strikes?"

"Indeed." (Y/N) nodded giving a smile at the end.

The remaining day has been them doing their own things and only meeting up at dinner to eat at the cafeteria, after that, they washed up and went to sleep.

Preparing for their new lives at the Academy of Huntresses and Huntsmen. Beacon Academy.

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