- Chapter 15: Night Of Our Live's Ruined -

Start from the beginning

"I am sorry papa but i know Jacob is just as good at fixing cars as i am" I said slowly coming out my shock i place my hand on my belly and feel a slight bump. I grab Jacob's hand putting it next to my hand he gasps then places his other hand on with the one already on my belly.

"Jacob don't forget what you had planned for when she woke up" Mum said smirking

"Is she well enough to go through with it?" Jacob asked worriedly

"Yes she will be when she has had something to eat" Papa said smiling

"Then let's get you some food you and the baby need it after having nothing for a week" Jacob said still sounding worried

Jacob gets up then lifts me of the bed holding me bridle style and carrys me down the stairs into the kitchen with mum and papa behind us. When we getbto the kitchen mum makes us something to eat and damn was i hungry i ate everything. I may have had second helpings but no-one said anything about it though which i appreciated because i am sure i will end up earing alot more then i normal would. The whole time mum, papa and Jacob were acting werid like they were hoding something from me and it drove me complaining mad.

Now i am in the car blindfolded with my parent's while Jacob is driving they haven't told me anything they just keep fussing over me and mum did a spell to check that the baby is okay and thankfully the baby is fine. Then they told me how Bella has been trying to get back into the Cullen's lives but they have ignored her not having anything to do with her which resulted in her throwing a fit about how no-one wants her and it's all my fault apparently. Charlie shut that down saying if it's anyone's fault it's her own and papa then told me that Billy has moved back to his place now that Bella has got served that restraining order.

The car suddenly stops making me snap out of my thoughts thankfully the seatbely stopped me from flying forward. I hear the car doors open then someone helps me out and leads me somewhere, i couldn't hear anything it was suspiciously quiet. I stop walking when someone holds me still and i feel them stand behind me then the blindfold is removed. I see Billy, the pack, Charlie and my parent's sat around the bonfire. I see mum gesture for me to turn around and when i do i gasp and cover my mouth with my hands. There is my Jacob, my life time crush, my mate down on one knee with a small box in his hand tears immediately gather in my eyes at the sight.

"My Riri when i met you, I knew i'd met my match. It was only a matter of time until we arrived at this moment. How this turns out is all in your hands, You have always been the one for me. The one i have always wanted to spend my life with, the one i have been in love with since forever. You are it for me, you are my forever i love you always have and always will,. You deserve the very best, someone who will back you up without limits, let you grow without borders, and love you without end. Will you let me be the one? River my earth elemental princess will you marry me and be mine forever" He said tears are streaming down my face as he finished

"YES!! A THOUSAND TIMES YES!!!!" I screamed jumping into his arms he spins me around then suddenly stops

"Babe you could have hurt yourself jumping please be careful" He said placing me onto my feet again then he slides a beautiful emerald green ring on my finger

"Babe you could have hurt yourself jumping please be careful" He said placing me onto my feet again then he slides a beautiful emerald green ring on my finger

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I flinch when i hear a finger down a chalk board scream when the screaming stops i turn around and see Bella stood at the tree line. Jacob pulls me to him so my back is against his chest and his arms around my front with his hands on my belly protectively. Bella looks back and forth at me and Jacob with a horrified expression on her face and anger in her eyes.

"Your marrying her!" She screams which makes me flinch again

"Yes i am she is my forever" Jacob said then kissed my head making me smile

"But your mine!" She yells in anger

"I was never yours Bella, i have always been and always will be River's" Jacob said bluntly

"Bella your not ment to be here they have a restraining order against you" Charlie said angrily

"If i can't have him then you can't either" She said darkly as she pulls a gun out from behind her. She aims it at me and in a blink of an eye i feel a unbearable pain in my lower stomach. I hear shouting and screaming as someone lowers me to the floor being as careful as they can.

"Baby!" Jacob said holding my face in his hand

"J-jacob!" I stuttered placing my hand on my belly then lifting it up i wish i didn't because my whole hand is covered in blood

"O-our p-pup!" I stutter/yell in fear

"Jacob pick her up we got to get her to Carlisle!" I hear papa yell

"Get that bitch out of here Charlie!" I hear Billy shout

"Isabella Swan i am arresting-"



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