If Marinette was an alien Part 1 - Earth

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Sabine (Mom): Get in, quick!

Mari: *goes inside*

Tom (Dad): *closes door*

Mari: W-wait! What about you guys?

Sabine (Mom): Don't worry about us..

: Inside the basket is a necklace of mine, to remember us

Mari: *says softly* Mom..

Sabine(Mom): Be safe ok *smiles*

Mari: MOM! DAD! NO!

Years later

Tour guide: And here we have our most precious artifact.

: The galactic spaceship found in 1,000 AD and brought here in 1785

Alya: Nino look!

Nino: Coming!

: C'mon, Adrien

Adrien: *follows Nino*

Alya: Look at the inscriptions

: Isn't it cool? It's like another language

Adrien: I wonder what language it is and what it says

Nino: Well whatever it says, I hope it's not something bad

Tour guide: C'mon everyone, this way

Adrien: Guys let's go

: We wouldn't wanna be left behind

Nino: Yeah, your right

: C'mon on Alya, let's catch up

Alya: one sec *takes picture*

Adrien: Let's go

Later the night

Alya: Ugh...

Nino: What's wrong?

Alya: I've been trying to to figure out what the galactic spaceship says

: But so far nothing

Nino: Maybe it's alien language

Alya: Nino. Aliens don't exist

Nino: But what if they do

Alya: Your not helping

Nino: Sorry, heh.. *sits beside her and looks at the phone*

: Hey, what's that?

Alya: Hm? *looks at picture*

Nino: It looks like there's something inside

Alya: That's impossible, no one has been able to open it

: How can there be something inside

Nino: Aliens 

Alya: *rolls eyes*

: There must be something we missed

Nino: Maybe we can ask the tour guide when we go back to the museum

Alya: Yeah your right

Nino: We should head to bed, it's getting late

Alya: Alright

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