He clears up his throat before he started singing.

OH YUN-BI watches and looks at each and everyone in the circle as they start singing with Dae-su. She doesn't know why but her eyes started to water as she witnesses this. She doesn't even know the song. Hell, she has only known these people for two weeks, but at this moment, she felt so like she have known them for a long time.

Somehow, after they had that short singing session, they felt closer with each other. It's like they forget about their problem even just for a minute.

Once the group settled in a comfortable silence, On-jo glances at the girl beside her. "Why did you move here?"

Everyone looks at their way, curious to hear her answer as well.

Yun-bi turns to On-jo, thinking how is she supposed to explain her reasons. She's afraid they would think she's unreasonable for quitting a great life ahead of her. "I needed a new start. I.. I was a former trainee. And I guess.. I kinda lost my passion in that journey," she chuckles lightly, trying to make it seem that it's not a big deal when in fact, she hated it. "It's tiring to be around people who never accepts mistakes. I just want to have a normal life and have friends."

"You closed off yourself though. You're never really around when we would have conversations during break times. Was it because you didn't like us?" On-jo asks the question that everyone seemed to know the answer for as well.

"I never disliked you. I actually enjoy hearing you guys joke around whether during classes or just in-between those. It's just.. when I join the dance club, I felt like it was all the same. It's like I cannot make mistakes, so I pushed myself to the point that I forgot why I'm here for in the first place," Yun-bi explains as she looks around them, smiling lightly at them.

"To be honest, I didn't like you," Hyo-ryung comments. "You always hang out with the seniors and other cool kids in your club. So I thought, you didn't talk to us because we were beneath you."

Joon-yeong sighs after hearing these confessions and decided to say his thoughts as well. "To be honest, there were times I wished you didn't move here."

"Wait, why didn't you like her?" Ji-min asks, confused as to why he would not like her when they barely interact before.

"I have always been the second one no matter how I tried so I just accepted that. But then Yun-bi came and immediately excel in our classes. I was afraid to be replaced there, but it's okay now. I didn't realize that all of us have our own problems as well," he elaborates as he glances at the girl who would just give him a small smile.

"Hey. Second or third place is good too," Dae-su butts in which makes almost everyone nod their head in agreement. "I can't even come in 20th in our class, right?" He says then had a fist bump with Su-hyeok who shares the same sentiment.

Hyo-ryung turns her head to him. "Hey. Don't compare yourself to Joon-yeong."

"I was just saying. Why do you always jump down my throat when I saw something?" Dae-su pauses when he suddenly had an idea. "Wait.. do you like me?"

The girl immediately denies him though. "What are you talking about? I would never," she says as she gives him a slap in his arms.

The exchange in their bantering makes Yun-bi smile. Hearing their thoughts on her hurt her a little but she understands them though and now she can make an effort to get closer to them.

Yun-bi moves her eyes up from her lap when she felt someone staring at her. Her eyes landed on Su-hyeok's. He was giving her a comforting smile which she gladly returned.

The light-hearted conversation continues. Dae-su basically confessed to everyone how much he likes Wu-jin's sister who is apparently a senior that is part of the archery club.

They kept teasing one another when they heard a sudden knock from the doors of the rooftop.

Everybody stops from what they're doing and become anxious on who's on the other side.

"Nam-ra, is that Gwi-nam?" Cheong-san quickly asks the girl who now has the ability to smell and hear him.

Nam-ra shakes her head. "It's not."

The knocking continues and they would hear a voice calling for help. "Is someone there? Let me in! I swear I wasn't bitten! Help me!"

Everyone stands from their seats and grabs anything that they could use as a weapon. They look at Nam-ra, as if asking her what to do.

"It's not a zombie. She smells like a human," she says as she glances at the others.

"Let's let her in," On-jo states as she walks to the door, but Cheong-san quickly grabs her arm and pull her away.

"I'll do it," he says then started to slowly move towards the door. The other guys followed him and prepared to defend if they needed to.

Yun-bi remains standing on her place with a frown on her face. "That voice sound familiar," she mutters to herself as she watches them.

Once Cheong-san opens the door, a girl rushes in.

Just then, Yun-bi realizes why the voice sounds familiar. It's someone she knows. "Chae-won," she mutters as she looks at their senior catch her breath after getting into the rooftop.

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