Chapter 2: Tokyo

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" Thank you for flying with us."

The flight attendent said as she gave Yuki a respected bow slowly making her way out of the plane into the airport with a grin on her face.

' After all these years I'm finally back.'

The airport wasn't as crowded as she expected, relieved she made her way towards the front entrance.

She had already sent her belongings through the carrier so she didn't have to worry about her luggage, as her excitement to explore the country slowly built up in her, with her phone, some cash and her card inside her pocket she headed out towards the city.

Though it was nearly the end of winter the sun shone brightly with clear skies. The breeze was cool and refreshing as Yuki walked through the bustling streets. 

Yuki walked to the train station to buy a ticket to Miyagi where her brother and mother lived. 

" We are very sorry miss, due to a technical difficulty the train heading to Miyagi in an hour has been postponed to leave Tokyo at 4:30pm."

Answered the lady at the ticket counter. 

" It's currently 11:05pm right now, I need to wait for an additional five hours. Sigh..." Yuki mumbled under her breath.

The lady looking at the sad looking teenage infront of her couldn't help but feel sorry for Yuki.

" Miss instead of waiting in the train station there is a park nearby. The park has many facilities for outdoor activities and sports, you might find it interesting as it has a lot to offer. You can take your time before catching your train." The lady kindly suggested. 

Yuki hearing about sports couldn't help but brighten up at her words.

" Thank you so much! I'll come back afterwards." 

Yuki bought the ticket and waved to the kind lady and headed towards the park which she spoke so highly of.

The greenery present in the middle of the bustling city brought a smile to her face. 

'How fresh.'

Looking at the layout of the park, a particular word caught her interest as she made her way around.

After walking for a few minutes a sign board came into view.

-Outdoor volleyball court~~>

"Tsum-tsum!! Here!"

Excitedly shouted a boy who had ash coloured hair with black streaks as his golden orbs shined waving his arms signalling to a boy who was about to toss the ball.

On each side of the volleyball net were players competing against each other.

The right had about four players whereas the left had three.

The boy who the ash coloured hair called tsum-stum tossed the ball high towards him with a pissed off expression.

" Don't call me that Bokuto!"

The ash colour haired boy who was called Bokuto slammed the ball on the other side barely evading the blockers winning them their last point making them win the set.

" Nice toss Tsum-tsum!"

" I said don't call me that!"

Retorted the setter looking at Bokuto with a tick mark on his forehead.

Cursing under his breath he turned around to find Yuki staring at him with an amused smile on her face.

' Where did she come from? Her eyes are mesmerizing...'

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