Chapter 2

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“O-o-o-oppar? You’ve been cheating on me?” I asked while showing him my puppy eyes. “Baby, it’s not like that.” Oppar said. “Pdnim! This is none of my business but shame.” Said Dahyun. “Get out Kim or else I’ll overwork you guys 204783 hours more!” Oppar yelled with his sexy manly Korean voice, making Dahyun run.

“Listen babe.” His voice softened while talking to me. “Me and Si Hyuk are just a fake couple. He wanted his groups to succeed, so did I. So we got into this fake relationship to give us more money. He means nothing to me baby. You’re the only one on my mind.” “O-o-o-o-o-o-o-oppar, what is your name?” “Jay Why Pee.” “I’m Oli. I can’t wait to marry you oppar.” “Let’s go to my house, you can see all my butterflies.” “Let’s go.” I picked my Korean ass off the floor and followed him to his car.

When we were getting close to his huge Korean mansion, we saw 5 black cars following us. Oppar stopped the car and went to the main car. A man got out of the car. “Si Hyuk.” Said Oppar. “Jin Young.” The man responded. “What are you doing in MY house?” Oppar asked with his sexy charming voice. “Jin Young, our contract for relationship was 2 years long, it hasn’t been 2 years yet, I’m gonna win you back.” The man said, making oppar punch his face. I got out of the car. “Oppar! Stop fighting! This isn’t you!” I screamed in my cute kawaii voice…oppar looked back at me “Baby, for you, I’ll punch anyone on this plan-” he wanted to say, but the other Korean not so hot man came and punched my face, making me collape on the floor…

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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