
"I guess that works too. Long black hair, crazy."

"Yep, definitely my mom." Yang let out, sighing. "What'd she do?"

"Well, she wanted me to join her tribe or something, to provide her assassinations. She patched me up along the way, but she was a bit rough. I'm sure she botched it on purpose."

"That's strange, she'd usually give tasks like that to one of her bandits. Must have seen something in you." Yang scratches the back of her head.

"She did say something about a Magus Killer..." Weiss let out.

"Wait, wait, Magus as in mage?" Oscar asked.

"Yes." EMIYA let out in a cold tone.

"Magic IS real! Like, completely real! Real real!" Nora responded.

"Looks like it, but the question is... what about the 'Killer' part?" Pyrrha questioned, glaring at EMIYA.

"Long story." EMIYA let out, brushing past the story.

"Right." Ren squints his eyes.

"So, then explain--" Jaune was interrupted.

"Emiya, why don't you and I go check on your injuries? Sorry, guys! He made it seem like it's really really super fatal!" Ruby stood up, patting EMIYA once on his shoulder as she walked away. EMIYA stood up, following her.

"You really pulled me out of that situation."

"Do thank me later. Let's see what happened to your body first." After a while of walking, they'd gotten away from the main group. The both of them sit on the ground, Ruby behind him. She slightly lifts up his shirt from the back, only to be met with the sight of... that. She gags. "Sheesh! She had absolutely no mercy, did she?"

"Guess not."

"I'll have to redo these." She grabs onto a section of the bandages, slightly pulling them down to be greeted with the sight of a horrible injury. Ruby cringed, putting them back in it's place. "How'd you even get yourself into this?"

"Long story short, ice que- princess' father grounded her, so we had to go sneak on a cargo ship. I don't know what exactly happened, but when I woke up, it was about to crash. So, it was mainly a combination of that, and the fact that I had to guard her with my body so she wouldn't be too injured."

"Come on, seriously? She's Weiss, that stubborn personality of hers would have pulled through for her regardless!" Ruby chuckled. "What happened after, though? Like, how'd you meet Yang's mom?"

"She kicked in Weiss' face, so I kicked their faces too in return. Granted, I didn't kick her mom's face in as hard, but regardless."

"I don't mean to offend you, Emiya, but I'm really surprised you didn't finish her off if you really kicked her face in." Ruby closes her eyes, now taking off the bandages on his back. She didn't want to see the injuries, no thanks.

"I was about to. It was an adrenaline rush, and unfortunately for me, the pain always comes in at the worst time."

"Okay, I see. That makes a whole lot of sense." Ruby kept on going as EMIYA sat still. "But, just a question, why do you keep calling Weiss the ice princess? I'm sure it used to be ice queen before."

"Winter Schnee. I did already say that I partnered up with her at my time at Atlas, right?"


"She's more of a queen than Weiss is from my view. I do have a lot of newfound respect for her after Ironwood had put us on the same boat." A soft smile forms on his face. "If it ever comes to it, I wouldn't mind working with her again. She reminds me of an old friend."

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