Day 1: The Worst Meeting ((Part 5/10))

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"Here we are." Luca stood in front of the girls dorm gates. "Thanks, Luca!" He smiled. "My pleasure. Well, this is where we part ways." I nodded slightly. "Alright. But. again, thank you!" He tugged on the edge of his uniform and places a hand on his hip. "Well, see you around. Things'll probably get rough, but good luck." Luca spoke with a smile before heading off. (Luca sure was nice...And I managed to make it to the dorm before sunset!) "Alright, here we go..." Passing through the gate, I walk to the front of the door. (Wow...Even the dormitory is super fancy here...) Standing in front of the door, I tapped the silver knocker twice. "Excuse me! I'm a new resident here, Kat Queen." Waiting in front of the door yielded no response. "Huh...?" (Why isn't anything happening...?) Then I noticed there was a message written on the door. "What's this...? 'Chant the spell to open the door'? So instead of a key, there's a door opening spell..." (Well, if I can't do this much, I might as well go home now!). I pulled out my wand and grimoire from my bag. "Alright, the door opening spell... Ah! Here it is! Here we go!" I rolled up my sleeve and readied my wand. "Door before me, I command thee to open! Aperio Porta!" A veil of light poured out of the end of the wand and flowed into the door. "...Please, open!" And with that, the door sprouted legs. "Huh?!" The door let out a loud creaking noise before breaking from its hinges and dashing off. "Huh?! Hey, wait!" The door run around the dormitory garden. "Hey! Come back here! I need to get inside! Oh, what am I going to do...?"

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