Chapter 2: Lunch

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Morgan's POV

Moving into the dorms wasn't as stressful as I'd thought it would be. The majority of the people mulling about were shifters ears and tails moving around taking all the new sounds and feelings in. I'm sure Owen was watching for anybody to make a wrong move.

Dumb wolves so territorial. As we made our way down the hall looking for our room I wondered what our roommate would be like. We had been told we would have someone else rooming with us and I was just hoping they weren't a douche. Owen lagged behind a bit carrying all of the suit cases while I was checking room numbers.

There we are 208 I thought, pushing open the door with more force than needed.


I was surprised to see our roommate had already made it into the room, and was now laying on the floor after I had slammed open the door. I could immediately tell he was a shifter, and a feline at that of his pointed ears and fluffy tail were any indentation. He was pretty tiny too but I guess most would look small next to Owen and I.

He looked around disoriented before his gaze landed on me. He seemed to asses me for a moment ears flicking, most likely deciding if  I was a threat or not.

Owen wandered in behind me then and the cat looked to him as well looking a bit more nervous than before.

"Whoops sorry cutie didn't mean to scare ya!" I sad hoping that would show him we weren't here to rip him apart. The whole cats vs. dogs hostility was stupid anyways.

Owen seemed to have the same idea. "This your room?" He asked the kid who slowly nodded his head. Owen stuck out his hand, "I'm Owen Smith and this is my boyfriend, Morgan Lewis."

"Liam Jenkins nice to meet you." Liam says while shaking Owen's hand. Hid had looked minuscule next to Owen's. I'm sure I could pick him up with only one hand. Most cat shifters were lean anyways, Liam no exception. It would be like holding a bag of grapes.

"Sorry again for waking you, we didn't mean to scare you." I told him sheepishly after walking up to him and holding my hand out as well, my tail wagging slowly behind me.

He shook it before looking at his watch. "Nah it's fine I shouldn't be sleeping at this time anyways."

I smiled at that before going to help Owen move our dressers around so that we could push out beds together. There was no way in hell we would both fit on one of the tiny beds our college provided.

I looked over at Liam when I saw him walk to the door from the corner of my eye.

"You going to get food?" I ask him. It kind of worried me that he was going alone anywhere. There are a lot of creeps out there.

"Yeah I was just going to walk around and see what I could find." He said stopping at the door.

"You shouldn't go my yourself," Owen said, "you're not very big what if you get jumped?"

Liam didn't look offended by the comment which I was glad for. Owen could be a doofus sometimes and didn't think about how his words sounded before saying them.

"Do you guys wanna come?" Liam asked us.

"Sure." I said. I was excited to learn more about him and I'm sure Owen was too if his perked ears didn't already give him away.

We walked with Liam down the hall and through the staircase, one of us on each side. He didn't seem to mind as his ears flicked a bit taking in the sounds of all the people moving in.

As Owen and I were driving here I spotted a sushi place and recommended we go there to which Liam immediately agreed to.

Pffft a cat liking fish imagine that.

We made our way to the sushi place with comfortable conversation, asking basic things like where we were from and what we were studying. I learnt that Liam originally came from a town two hours away from our University while Owen and I's childhood homes were only a thirty minute drive.

He told us about his family and that he was the youngest out of four while I told him about my twin sister Makenzie and Owen told him about his older sisters, Stephanie and Renee.

Our late lunch was fun, Liam was actually pretty funny once he realized we weren't going to eat him and we kept each other entertained long after our food was done, deciding to go to the store to pick up a few things Owen and I didn't take from home.

I was pleasantly surprised when Liam came up to the checkout after missing for a few minutes with an L from Death Note figure.

"You watch Death Note?" I asked him. "Yes," he said smiling, "L is my favorite I'm really happy to have found this!"

My tail wagged as I talked to him about other animes we watched. I tried to get Owen to watch some with me but he didn't like to sit still and watch things for long. We had tried watching them separately but he was always was too far behind.

It doesn't bother me though I just tell him about whatever I'm watching when something major happens.

After checking out and going back to the dorm we all got ready for tomorrow, taking turns in our adjoined bathroom and laying out all the things we would need for the classes we had.

Liam looked about ready to pass out by the time I got out of the shower. His hair was still a bit damp from his shower and he just looked so cute I could squish him.

I got into bed with Owen, getting pulled against his chest by my waist and gave him a peck on the forehead.

"Night." I mumbled to him before saying it a bit louder to Liam, looking over Owen's shoulder when I didn't get a response.

Liam was out cold on his bed, long fluffy tail wrapped around his front.

Oh yeah, I thought to myself ,this year is going to be interesting.


(Authors Note)
Alrighty so I hope you enjoyed the second chapter! If there is anything you are confused about please ask me in the comments and I will try my best to explain it to you :) I have an Instagram for my books as well in case anyone wants to join it. It's tagged under Nimmeret like my Wattpad name and is private so send me a follow request if you would like! Have a wonderful day/night.

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