Snorting Kagome tried to save face, not at all forgetting the various gazes of her from. "He wishes he was my boyfriend...anyways the name is Kagome and this is Yoon Ji-Su and Jung Jae-Heon. We were on one of the upper floors when we heard the announcement."

Ji-Su and Jae-Heon were quick to pick up on the fact that she didn't mention the others and decided to roll with it. Jae-Heon was the first one to step forward, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "So what exactly did we stumble in on?"

Lee Eun-Hyeok was the first one to step forward and open his mouth. He gave a quick run down, explaining the situation all the while keeping his gaze on the blue eyed woman. She appeared human yet what she had done had been so very unhuman like...

Kagome sighed, feeling various eyes on her person, she was hard pressed to not twitch while Eun-Hyeok filled them in on everything they had missed. It seemed they were all trapped and taking refuge in the daycare. The shopkeeper was begrudgingly supplying them with food in exchange for safekeeping for himself and his wife.

She resisted the urge to snort when said shopkeeper kept interrupting the younger man's stories to interject his own version of events. She knew then and there she would not like the man with his beady little eyes and obviously fake toupee. Plus the way his wife seemed to cower away from him the more angry he she was afraid he would lash out at her at any given raised many red flags. No doubt a habit born out of self preservation and survival, she had seen many couples like that in the feudal era, usually the wife held bruises if not scars to prove why such a habit had been born in the first place. Keeping her smile in place Kagome stood and dusted the back of her work pants.

"Um, if you all don't mind I'd like to freshen up real quick. Afterwards we can all sit down and exchange names? Unless you'd like to do that first..." She left the ball in their court, letting them feel like they were in control of the situation.

Kim Seok-Hyeon could only glare at the young foreigner, his guard still up after having to deal with that yakuza scum. "Hang on, you never did explain how you were able to do what you did!" His beady gaze never left her form as she stood, why was no one else questioning what they had seen, were they all idiots?!

Kagome bit back the sigh on the tip of her tongue. "Well no one really asked me but I can assure you I'm one hundred percent human." She once again began her explanation, wondering just how many times she would have to give it before the day was over. Maybe she should just write a small pamphlet to hand out? Fighting the urge to laugh she merely wrapped up her explanation.

"So he was right, you are a magical girl." Kagome felt her eyebrow twitch at Eun-Yu's words. "Sure, whatever floats your if no one has any further questions is it okay if I go freshen up?" When no one offered any protests she made her way towards the restroom signs, letting her aura peek up and do a quick search for Sang-Wook before letting it fizzle out.

He was on the fifth floor, he felt to be in one piece and she mused she should seek him out while she had the chance and let him know about the whereabouts of Hyun-Su and the new additions to her ever growing pack of wards.

Of course, he was lounging on a couch in a random apartment, a cancer stick dangling from his lips. His eyes were closed as he took a long drag from it, his body sagging. He looked tired and she didn't have to be a detective to know he had more than likely been running around non-stop since they had parted.

"Hey." She bit back a smile as he jerked, his eyes snapping open to land on her. She felt her heart skip a beat as he relaxed once he realized it was her. Settling on the couch next to him she pressed her knee into his. "Glad to see you're still kicking." She grunted as he knocked his knee into hers in retribution.

"Same." It was a chipped response and she wondered what she had done to upset yet brushed it off. She quickly explained what she had experienced since their separation, filling him in on the small gathering of people on the fourteenth floor as well as the chaos they had walked into on the main lobby.

Sang-Wook would be lying if he said he wasn't glad to lay eyes on his magical girl once again yet he was quick to shove that feeling down. Instead, he decided to focus on the frustration he felt at the lack of seeing hide nor hair of his prey since everything had gone to hell. Add in the fact that Kagome now held wards that were children, it only lit another fire under his ass. He needed to find that sick fuck and fast if he wanted to be able to relax and enjoy the company that Kagome offered him.

So it was with a deep drag of his cigarette that he stood and tossed Kagome a cool look, one that often had others running away in the past. She merely looked up at him, unimpressed with his dark glare. "Look, thanks for the update but I don't have time to humor you. Why don't you run back to the lobby or wherever it is you need to be." His voice was curt and aloof.

Kagome resisted the urge to roll her eyes at him, used to being brushed off and talked to like that due to her past. She merely stood and gave him an unimpressed look, her hip cocked to the left. "Uh-huh, well once you finish your oh so important business you should come join us on the lobby floor...if that pleases you my lord." She cracked a toothy grin at his bored look, his face lit up by the cherry of his cigarette.

Moving to the door she opened it, peeking out to be sure the coast was clear, once she was sure it was she turned back to Sang-Wook and gave him a small smile. "If I'm not at the lobby then assume I went back to the fourteenth know just in case you miss me." She gave a small wave of her fingers as she shut the door behind her, missing the small smile he cracked as he shook his head at her endearing antics.

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