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soon enough, classes had started back up.

"i can't believe we still have to do these." sooyoung turned to see heejin huff and cross her arms.

all 12 of the girls were sitting in a room that hadn't been used previously. the gray walls and linoleum floor was the same as the cafeteria, but decorated with more tables that were pushed into half of the room. the other half had floor mats and three blank walls specifically around that half of the room.

"well, as of currently, we're still going to the moon, so they want us to stay alive when we get there."

"if we get there."

sooyoung didn't disagree with heejin, there was a whole question mark around the end goal of the mission now that it's been off track. but since it felt like everyone else had given up, she wanted to be the one with hope.

the blank screens on the other side of the room lit up, and mina's familiar face was squared in the middle.

"I hope everyone is feeling better, because now is time for review."

there was a collective groan.

the video of mina continued, interrupting the groups complaints.

"we will be reviewing how to fix a mask malfunction. will two people please step up to the mat in front of this screen?"

eyes passed back and forth to who would demonstrate, then haseul and the girl with orange hair shuffled up, holding each other.

"please put on your suits"

a compartment right of the screen opened up and present 2 suits, which sooyoung presumed was what they were going to wear when they landed.

another door opened to 2 dressing rooms, and mina continued consecutively.

"i'll be relaying information while the two of you get dressed. the suits you guys will be wearing are sleeker than previous due to progressing technology, but masks are still required. there is not enough oxygen in the air for you guys to breathe without a mask yet, but while you are there we are hoping to continue that process. the main concern is making sure little skin as possible is exposed. the environment would slowly start taking the oxygen out of your body, causing the skin exposed to shrivel. it would be a slow process, but with how long you guys will be staying it is required that you protect everything."

the two girls emerged wearing skin-tight suits, which both were obviously uncomfortable in.

"the suits shouldn't be uncomfortable to the skin, but if you're uncomfortable with the style you can wear something over top."

mina didn't give enough time for them to add any clothes before continuing and explaining the experiment.

the two of them fixed malfunctions in each other's suits to pass the practice, then soon enough everyone else was pairing up.

"why is she looking at you like that..."

sooyoung sucked in a breath and turned to who she presumed was looking her.

jiwoo met her with a smile and a slight nod.

her presumption was correct.

"i don't understand why she keeps trying to talk to us." heejin crossed her arms, "did i not make it clear that i'm not interested in her anymore?"

sooyoung remembered it differently, but it wasn't worth the fight.

"yeah i have no clue why she wants to talk to us. when have we shown that we want her around?"

new moon mission / loonaWhere stories live. Discover now