Bob and Carl

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  • Dedicated to My enemies over the years who have become friends

There once was a man. His name was Bob, Bob Brazen. Despite his name Bob was not Brazen, he was very, very, very, very, very, very boring.

He had many hobbies and they were all very boring things such as counting numbers, playing on a calculator, doing Math, watching paint dry and looking at cows.

Bob lived on the fourth floor of an apartment building in 4b, his neighbour in 4a was Carl, Carl Candon. Cal's motto was Can do Anything Candon.

He also had many hobbies but they were definitely NOT boring. They were things such as extreme sports, travelling and just about everything else.

One other thing you should know about Carl and Bob is that they did not get on. They did not get on to the point where they would go about messing with each other.

Bob would put on yodelling, hear a knock and open his door to be covered in pink paint.

Carl would be building a motorbike in the garage only to come home to an apartment covered in stamps.

They were both very silly men.

One day Bob was in the park looking at clouds while Carl was feeding the ducks when a street magician saw the two men starting to argue, stuck the two of them together with handcuffs and vanished.

No matter how hard they tried they could not get free. They tried hammers, doors, saws, cars rolling over it, and even blow torches and lasers but nothing worked.

Bob and Carl were very sad, neither wanted to be stuck to the other.

After a while Bob wanted to go home, go through his routine and go to bed but Carl did not want to go over to Bob's, he wanted to stay at home and watch Monster trucks until 4am.

Bob was very upset and they started to argue, after a while they came to an agreement of taking turns with each others days and after a round of rock, paper, scissors the first night was spent at Carl's.

From there the days were spent with them bickering and fighting and generally trying to cause unpleasantness in each others lives.

Bob was forced into going to a rock concert where he jumped off the top of the speakers, Carl was was forced to go to a lecture on the stock-market and fell asleep, Bob went a motor cross rally where he was sprayed with mud and Carl was forced to go to the opera where he was playing snake before the end of Act 1.

You'd think all the time spent together would make things more pleasant between them, well you'd be wrong.

One day after a huge fight they went back to the park and sure enough there was the magician. After a lot of begging and a failed attempt at escaping (on the magician's part) the handcuffs were removed.

The two men were very happy, but it didn't last long.

Soon enough Bob was switching the TV to the extreme sports channel and Carl was putting on the Opera in the morning. They both really missed each other but neither one would admit it.

Until they suddenly met in the halls early one morning, they were so glad to see each other that Carl nearly cried.

From that day on as usually they split their days together doing what each other wanted. Bob even learnt how to laugh and surf and Carl finally learnt his multiplication tables.

From here on their friendship will only be growing, you just never know when an enemy can become a friend, sometimes it's all the blame of an uneducated prejudice but if you loosen up the soil we grow in you never know who can be friends. Though I doubt thing will ever be this simple for Bob and Carl. 

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