Book 2.....part 1

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"Hey guys I know that now we are heading to find the others and it probably wouldn't be a good time to turn back but before we head out maybe we should just stay back and understand better the things that is going on...and Jungkook please listen to me I understand you don't believe me but look closely at the hidden zombie and tell me you don't see that freaking worm?!"

I stated with such agony yes I was worried but can you blame me before actually heading out to search for my friends I want to better understand the situation and think back farther back to the time I seen those videos...farther back to when I was at school...highschool to be I wasn't an adult yet I just felt like I was taking on those responsibilities as one because that's all I ever a teenager you no longer have the ability to be a kid again and especially with a younger sibling you have to learn to throw away those fun times and grow up..harsh right?

Nope it's apart of growing up but you have to learn earlier in life when to do so and I wasn't ready to take on the part so I decided to throw my life away and all of a sudden with this outbreak I all of a sudden decided to grow up?! Heh...if I wasn't ready why didn't I just die...

Well *clears throat* enough of the sappy talk and let's get back to reality.. "yeah uhm sang-mi are you trying to get me killed if I go close to that zombie I'm dead meat.." said Jungkook

"stupid I didn't tell you to move close I said LOOK CLOSELY aish let's go back to Jimins apartment room and think things out then start heading out!..WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR MOVE IT?!?!" I yelled

"geez where did all this energy come from all of a sudden Sang-Mi?" Taehyung stated with worry. "I don't know..maybe I was just tired of throwing away my life and actually wanted to think things through on why I all of a sudden changed my perspective?.." I said kinda upset

"hey no need to put her down in the dumps!! But she is right we need to think things through us never thinking anything through got us in this situation..ITS THE REASON WE TURNED OUT THE WAY WE DID!! As monsters and she survived being scared but she thought things through she didn't plan on us invading her home that was us and yet she still helped our ungrateful selves.Shouldn't we just at least do her a favor and listen to her?" Yeri said with reasoning.

"Thanks Yeri..but I don't think they want my guys can come if you want but please give me space to think..." I slowly walked back to Jimin's apartment with an empty stomach and a full mind I realized I haven't eaten anything but I decided that was least of my worries all I could think of was the real reason behind all of this.

After I returned to Jimin's apartment all I was thinking of was back to highschool..I remember thinking of that one student who was deathly sick and how I wanted to go home like always and sleep....

THAT GIRL she was lesbian and she was sick but it wasn't normal sickness she was foaming at the mouth her eyes turned black like she was possessed...oh my god what if she caused this?! But who could have gotton her sick?...that's what I am thinking of right now I need to figure this out... "guys I have been thinking...and I think I know what has started this" I stated hesitantly

"WHAT YOU DO but this is so chaotic I don't even remember my old life before all this happened..before I-..I-"Yeri stated with a cracky voice indicating she was fixing to cry so I hugged her comfortingly

"I know Yeri but I do think I kinda know what's going on and how it started there was a girl in my class she was a transferee so she is foreign not toooo foreign because she wasn't knew anymore but her name was Eliza she moved to Korea from America she was not always sick but the day before the pandemic started she was sick and it caused us to have to go home earlier than usual and not go back the next day until things were solved and the school wasn't infected with her sickness anymore she seemed fine the day before but told me she wasn't feeling well" I started up

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