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Minho put the call on speaker, listening to the voices talking. He went to his desk and opened the top drawer, taking out a gun and shoving it into the pocket of his pants. Then he kneeled down, taking the dagger that was strapped to his leg into his hand.

Jisungs eyes were wide. He was terrified. He had no clue of what was going on.

"Wait Ji can you take the gun? I suppose you don't have one with you?" His tone was soft, but demanding.

Jisung shook his head, accepting the gun that got shoved into his hand. "Can you tell me what's going on Min?" He inspected the gun. Slowy he slid his finger across it, studying the way it worked. For some strange reason all the fear he had had of the man in front of him had now completely disappeared.

"All that I know is that Felix is in danger." He went out of the room, Jisung automatically following him. As if he knew its what Minho expected him to do. Jisung followed the echo of Minhos footsteps, Minho was already talking to Seungmin.

How was he that fast?

He heard their mumbling.

"You're able to find Felix location from the call right?"

"Give me a minute Minho, get the car ready and i'll come out to tell you."

One second later Minho grabbed Jisungs arm, pulling him towards the door. They put their shoes on in silence and went to the car. On the way Minho grabbed Jisungs arm. "Jisung, can you drive?"

Jisung scoffed. "Of course I can. You can't?"

Minho laughed and got into the passenger seat. Jisung took the clue and got into the drivers seat, positioning himself comfortably and adjusting the car seat a bit.

"I can. But we need to be fast. You're a cop, you can do whatever you want. So drive, I trust you." Minho leaned back into the seat, rolling down the window as he saw Seungmin already walking towards them. Seungmin handed Minho his phone "That's it." It was already on the google maps drive setting, ready to start.

"Thanks Seungmin." He rolled the window back up, directing Jisung who just started the car out of the driveway.

And now Jisung remembered, Minhos face was not known from the public, nobody knew him. So it wouldn't draw any suspicion if he was in the car with him.

"You know babe, I would've been able to find his location aswell." Jisung pouted, stepping down on the gas as much as he could. For once he let go of the morals. Or better said, rules. Luckily he had not taken the badge out of his jeans, so emergencywise he could identify himself as an agent.

"Oh you could?" Minho rested his head on his hand, watching Jisung concentrate on the road.

"Yeah, I got into your case because I was known for hacking."

Your case.

"I didn't know that. I should properly introduce you to Seungmin. You could help me a lot." A small smile slid across Minhos face.

He felt a hand on his thigh. Gently Jisung had layed his hand down, the ring on his finger brushing against the material of Minhos pants. And then Minho intertwined their fingers together, sliding his thumb over Jisungs skin. A sweet touch, leaving both of them smiling silently.

And Jisungs head was filled up again with every single possible thought.

You could help me.

What does that mean?

He brushed it off, trying to ignore the tug on his heart.

Then he felt the light touch from Minhos thumb over the back of his hand again. Jisung looked over only for a second, not wanting to endanger them by forgetting about the road. Minho was playing with Jisungs hand with one hand, and with the dagger with his other.

Two strange dimensions meeting in one person.

"There!" Minho pointed forward, and they finally saw the park coming into their view. Jisung parked his car as close to the spot where Felix supposedly was as he could and then they got out. The warmth on Jisungs hand now gone, but his desire to help Minho and Felix growing. His fingers were wrapped around the gun Minho had given to him. Minho was looking at his phone, getting closer and closer to the red dot on the map.

Jisung spotted Felix white blonde hair, and Minho saw him too. They walked towards him, now seeing one person a bit distant from them, nervously shuffling around. Jisung knew immediately that a random pedestrian had caught on to what was happening there. Jisung looked around a bit.

Apparently only one person had seen the scene for some reason despite it being quite obvious. Felix and the guy knew where to meet up, it was a bit hidden, you could only see part of them. And the person had only spotted them right now, so it was easy for Jisung to just tap on their shoulder and show his badge. Relief washed over their face and they stepped away after Jisung kindly asked them to.

The closer he got the more he could see.

And that was when he recognized a man standing between the two. On the right a guy he knew was Felix, on the left a stranger. And right in the middle was his best friend, a gun to his forehead.


Minho saw it too, he looked over to Jisung. He couldn't identify whether it was fear or rage on Jisungs face, but what he saw was how the grip on the gun in his hands tightened and how he walked faster. Minho was afraid, afraid Jisung would act without thinking, he grabbed his shoulder. Jisungs eyes small, focused, his jaw clenched and his knuckles turning white.

"Let me handle it Ji." Minho sent him a reassuring smile.

For some reason, Jisung did slow down, he did step back. To his own surprise.

Why do I trust him this much.

He couldn't stand seeing Changbin like this, but his gaze never left them. Too scared to miss something.

How did he even get into that situation?

He shook of the thought, it didn't matter right now.

And then something silver flew past his eyes and straight to them. It spinned, the blade of it cutting right into the top of the hand that was holding the gun up to Changbin. The skin opened, but the cut was only light.

Minhos dagger.

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