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What are you exepted ?Of course I start with my favorite 😶🙄

Handy pov:
On a normal day in the village, we were working on the bridge under Papa's supervision and...Brainy...thrown with Daffodil (my oc) a smurf from the smurf grove, rather good company.
After working for a long time, we sat down for lunch. I chatted a bit with Daffodil, who was rather talkative but less than Brainy and fortunately.
"Hmm, yes Daffodil?"
"I already tell you !!Call me Daff !"
I giggle, to be honest we became very good friend.
"Alright Daff, what is it"
She She smiled "Do you love someone?"
I blushed instantly "If I love someone...why this sudden question?"
"Oh I don't know, maybe I just like to annoy you hehe"
How cruel... yet I am kind. But since she wanted to know "Well, I loved someone before..."
His smile widened, maybe I shouldn't have said that...
"Who is that, who is that??? Let me guess...Smurfette? She's very pretty, isn't she?"
I shook my head no. "Nope"
"Not Smurfette?" Storm Smurf? Even if you haven't known her for a long time?
"No, it's not a smurf, but a mermaid."
Her eyes widen. "A mermaid? Whoa!!! You don't love each other anymore?"
"No, it's just that our love was distant.. But I'm not sad, we both thought it was the best option, and then it was a good experience."
"INCREDIBLE,i wish to see à mermaid one time...but anyway, maybe you have someone else now ?"
Someone else...well...
"Handyyy, you blush...it mean you looove someoooone."
Pff what a fangirl.
"No, I don't see what you mean."
She look at me suspecious, and it worried me a little.
"I see you lying Handy, I will find"
Nope you wont my dear.
"I notice the fact you spend some time with Hefty..."
Wait what ?!?!I blushed hardly...she get me...how cruel...
"I should notice it...and now I can confirme...you like him !!!How cute cute cute !!!I guess you didn't tell right ?"
I nodded, I was afraid...I know I like Smurfette sooo much.Suddenly she stand up.
"I should go, bye !!!"
"Bye daff !!"
She smiled at me like Joker before her gifts... what was she going to do? She wasn't going to say it anyway?! I tried to see her but I had lost sight of her... okay stay calm... Suddenly after a few minutes, Papa approaches me.
"It's time to get back to work Handy, it look like the other smurf are completely lost without you"
The power of a handyman, I already knew it. I stand up.
"Oh and also..."
"Yes Papa ?"
"You will be teamed up with Hefty now."
Wait what?!?!
"But why ?!"

"oh I just think you gonna make the perfect team together, the project is moving much faster."
Well, fine...
I see Hefty join me...my heart was beating so fast...
"Hey buddy, I think we can continue, we gonna make a good team!!"
"Yeah...a good team, yeah"
We left to join the others and when I turned around I saw Daffodil giving me a wink. Did she...?! Ah, she's a friend..nbut also a nosy one that I liked.

Daffodil pov:
"Good luck Handy...and thanks Papa."
"Oh it was nothing girl, it my role to help my little smurf, like you"
Yeah !!!We are a big and happy family !!!

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