Love Fest

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 It was a lovely day on the Albonquetine Islands. Literally, it was. It was time for the annual Love Fest for one and all to join together and express their love for each other. Marjorie was in her kitchen, cooking heart-shaped coconut pancakes for the family. She was greeted by the wrapped arms of her husband around her waist, making her giggle.

"Alfred, I'm trying to make breakfast..." Marjorie smiled to her husband still, even if she was kind of busy.

"Sowwy, deah, couldn't wait any longah." Alfred smiled to her, then took out a bouquet of tropical and fresh flowers from the islands' gardens.

"Oh, my!" Marjorie took them with a fond smile. "Thank you, Alfred! I made you a lovely breakfast." she gestured to the coconut pancakes she made.

Alfred smiled, looking at them. "How lovely... Just as you awe..." he winked to her then.

Wendell took out a picture and placed it on the wall, it was of an island woman who had some resemblance to Lu, only with big and shiny earrings that matched her bra and skirt which was deep violet. 

"Oh, Lula Belle, my love, I wish you could be with us today..." Wendell sighed. "If only... I hope you are having a lovely time though wherever you might be and remember that your 'Wendy Winks' loves you with all his heart."

Lancelot had a leaf that was shaped like a heart and crawled across the sand. He knocked on a different turtle shell and there came out a female turtle. She had lipstick on and a bow in her head and smiled to Lancelot, giving him a kiss, making him sheepish. 

"Man, what's with everybody?" Mike looked to the in love islanders. "It's like they were all struck by Cupid's bow or something."

"Don't you mean arrow, Mike?" Og walked up to her as he held a flower lei, putting it around her neck.

"I guess," Mike shrugged. "But seriously, what's with everyone? Is it Valentine's Day or something?"

Lu walked over, wearing her golden crown, pink blanket rope and held a stick as a royal sceptor. "No, it's Love Fest, duh!"

"Love Fest?" Mike sounded confused.

"Love Fest is the one day a year the island expresses its love for one another," Og explained to her with a small smile. "They cook heart-shaped pastries for them, give them flowers, take them for romantic walks, just be together and in love more than they could ever imagine..."

"So Valentine's Day basically," Mike narrowed her eyes, then rolled them. "I never liked this holiday... All the girls in school become drooling dopes and the boys turn into zombies, then there's the dance that I never go to because I never have anyone to go with. I didn't mind Valentine's Day when I was a kid and you had to get everyone in your class something though... That was the only time I ever got something from a boy that didn't give me a headache of itching..." she then scratched her pigtailed head suddenly, remembering back to the lice outbreak in her school.

"Whatever," Lu rolled her eyes in return. "You never got anything then and you won't get anything now! Only true love shall receive the best of gifts on Love Fest!" she announced in a pompous tone she sometimes broke out into with her 'princess' status.

"So who's your true love?" Mike smirked. "A frog to turn into a prince?"

"Frogs turn into princes?" Lu sounded amazed and curious.

"Well, yeah," Mike shrugged. "I guess... My mom used to read me that story all the time as a kid... The princess finds a frog, kisses him, and he turns into a handsome prince so they live happily ever after..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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