"What's pixel-travel??", I asked as walked towards him and stood beside him.

"It's hard to explain. So I'll just show you!!", he said as he grabbed my wrist and jumped to the TV, dragging me behind.

Imagine swimming in a pool of feathers and some rocks. That's what pixel-travel feels like. It was relaxing at first but a red spiky cube-like thing would occasionally zoom towards you and if you're unlucky, it might hit you and probably break a rib or two. Luckily for me, BEN seems to be an expert and we glided to the system gracefully.

He pointed to a TV screen. "There's their den. Brace yourself for impact!!", he shouted.

I panicked and curled my legs towards my body. We passed through the screen and I braced myself because I thought that it will sting, but it didn't. It felt like I passed through a thick velvety-cloth.

BEN came out of the TV and I landed on my backside.

"Oww...", I groaned.

He laughed. "You should've seen your face when I said 'brace yourself'."

I glared at him, stood up and dusted my pants off. Then I looked around and noticed that we landed on a living room filled with TV screens and dolls. A pile of golden rings were compressed on a corner.

I was still captivated by the beauty and style of the house when a massive blue ball slammed into me, knocking me down and pinning me on the floor. I looked up to see a real-life Sonic. But it didn't really looked friendly.

It has eyes like BEN's and his mouth was foaming, like the mouth of a rabid dog. I quickly kicked him off me and I stood up. He crashed into the pile of rings and groaned. I looked for BEN, who was grinning at me.

"Looks like Masky was wrong.", he said as he offered his hand to help me get up, "You can handle yourself."

I smirked at him and we heard a groan from the blue demon hedgehog.

"So that's Sonic.exe??", I asked BEN.

"Yup.", he said.

We watched him get up and rub his head.

"Dammit woman!! You just had to kick me!!", he angrily told me.

"Hey!! You were the one who started it!!", I countered.

"Whoah whoah everybody calm down for a moment....', a fox-like doll floated down and stood between me and Sonic.exe.

"Why don't we sit down and have something to drink??", the fox doll said.

We then sat down on the couches and 3 golden cups flew towards us and settled down in front of us. Except for BEN. I remembered him telling me he ripped Tails Doll, so I thought that the fox decided to ignore him on purposed. I smiled at my thought.

"Soo.....", I turned to the fox doll, "You're the Tails Doll??

"Yeah..", he replied.

"And I am the almighty Sonic.exe!!! The best game demon throughout the history of gaming!!!", Sonic.exe said as he struck a victory pose.

"Yea... I noticed.", I said, "Look I'm sorry for the not-so-good first impression I made."

"S'okay.", he said as he sat back down and slouched on the couch.

"Look Tails I'm sorr--", BEN started to say but Tails quickly cut him off.

"BEN, I think your apologies won't sew my dear dolls back.", Tails said like a gentleman while glaring at BEN.

"Tails, do me a favor and loose the gentleman-thing you're doing. It's creeping me out man....", Sonic.exe said as he placed his arm on Tails' shoulder.

"Oh come on Sonic!!", Tails said as he threw his hands on the air, "First impressions lasts remember?!"

"Ok ok chill down", Sonic.exe said as he raised his arms in defense.

I looked at BEN. I could feel him getting angry so I decided to break his mood before it gets worse. Sonic.exe also saw it at nodded to me. I nodded back at him.

"Hey Tails!!", I said cheerfully, "Do you like cats of dogs better??"

"Hmmm.... I suppose cats.", he replied.

"Really?? I like cats too!!", I said.

"You're the one to talk!!", Sonic.exe exclaimed, "Cats love hedgehogs for target practice!!"

"Have you ever been chased by a cat Sonic??", I asked with a smile.

"No... but it seems scary....", Sonic said as he fiddled with his fingers awkwardly.

I laughed.
"Is the most talented and best game demon throughout history scared of cats?!"

We all laughed. Even BEN managed to smile a bit.

"Ok. Back to business", I said, turning serious, "Tails, Sonic.exe, will you help us defeat Zal--"

"Whoah whoah WHOAH!!!", Tails said as he stood up.

"Are you saying that you only came here to ask us again if we want to help?! Well, our answer is--"

"Tails!! Just think!! If we helped them, we will also be protected from those.....things.", Sonic.exe said exasperatedly.

"The answer is still n--"


A shriek cutted Tails' answer as a Hellspawn barged in, breaking a wall in the process.

"OH COME ON!! TWO ATTACKS IN ONE DAY?!?!?!", BEN exclaimed angrily at no one in particular. He pulled a pixelated sword from the TV and startes to attack the Hellspawn, but we didn'y notice that it had a new upgrade!!!

It now has a scorpion's tail.


It pierced into BEN's arm and yanked it out, ripping BEN's arm in the process. BEN wailed in agony as he tried to back away from the monster, but it swatted him away.

I was frozen in fear but BEN's screams jolted me back to reality.
"SONIC!! HELP BEN!!", I desperately screamed.

I then ran to the pile of rings and threw them at the monster, desperately trying to grab its attention away from BEN and Sonic.exe or Tails. It looked at me for a moment and whipped its head towards Tails. My eyes widen as I saw the monster pounce on Tails, but luckily, Tails can fly fast and the monster didn't reach him in time.

Tails' expression was full of hate, disgust and....fear. I don't know why but I felt good and lively sensing his fear.



"F-Fine!!", Tails stammered as he helped Sonic cradle BEN. I stayed back to make sure the monster won't follow us. I raises my hand and it sat down again, like my first encounter.

"(Y/N) WE HAVE TO GO!! BEN'S DYING!!", Sonic.exe shouted at me.

"I think she knows that Captain Obvious!!", Tails screamed back at him. I quickly ran to them and grabbed BEN's shirt as Sonic jumped in the TV, pulling me behind them. We could hear the Hellspawn's angry shrieks slowly fading away.

I couldn't help but sob at realizing how useless I was.

'You wouldn't have been useless if you accepted my offer sooner (Y/N).'

I know.

This is all my fault.....

Yey!! I finally found time to update. I'm sorry if I didn't update sooner. And chapter 8 was sort of crappy.
Sorrrrrrrrry!! /(T^T)\

Unique (Creepypasta X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें