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Angst ONLY.

(let's pretend coffee doesn't affect him because of the spider-genes for the sake of logic - no way home spoilers.)

Peter's pov

I watched, sitting on the ledge of a building, as the sun rose.

With all its nice colours, it was somewhat endearing. Watching the cold dark grey sky burst in all shades of yellow, red, orange, pink, purple. It's a miracle, really.

But what was an even bigger miracle, was that I slept 2 weeks ago. Big accomplishment, I finally slept!

Can you believe it?

Neither can I.

Anyway, about 2 hours later, it was time to get some coffee.

"1 Latte triple shot, please,"
(idk I don't order special order type of  shit I take what's on the menu I'm too scared to talk)

"Coming right up," Said the barista.


I was now walking around drinking my coffee, I'm pretty glad there isn't much happening right now.

There weren't many people out here, except those who had to go to work early, I mean it is 5:00 am.

Y'know I feel kinda normal today.

Just an average 16 year old, coffee at 5:00 am, no sleep, kinda enjoying summer vacation, no father figure, can lift more than 50 tons, got hit by a train-

Yeah- no I ruined it didn't I?


I'm just not really liking the summer this year, I really miss Mr.Stark, I mean mostly everyone does, but I just wish we had more time.

Just one more chance.


I decided to grab a newspaper (which I by the way immediately regretted, thanks JJ asshole) to be met with an article titled

The man was always a foe

Get this, it had MY picture on it. Not my face, no, the one I took of Spider-Man. Yet they still pay minimum wage? Talk about hypocrisy.

... I can't be bothered with this bullshit right now...

MJ's shift just started. I need more coffee.

I took a deep breath and went inside the coffee shop.

"Oh, Sup Peter Parker," MJ said.

"Hey," I choked out.

"What can I get for you today?" She asked.

"U-uh I would like a coffee, please," I mumbled.

"Okay, one coffee, anything else?" She asked.

"N-no thank you,"


I need to stop coming here or I'm gonna cry. 

I miss them so goddamn much.

Why can't they remember, dammit! Why why why!

"Are you okay?" MJ asked me.

"Hu- huh?" I choked out. I hadn't realised I was crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked me.

"I'm sorry..." I apologised. God why am I so stupid? Why am I like this?

"What are you apologising for?" She asked me.

I was starting to shake, violently.

"It's okay, just it's not your fault, whatever it is," she assured me.

"But it is my fault!" I snapped.

"It is my fault, and now everything we've ever done together just went poof and now you barely even know my name!" I was starting to rant uncontrollably.

"What do you mean? I'm sorry but I don't recognise you from anywhere else," she was really confused.

"That's exactly what I mean!" I sobbed.

"Please MJ! Just think! It's me! It's Peter!" I begged her.

"Remember when we were on the field trip- an-and I said I saw baby mountain goats and there wasn't anything actually there? Or the time when I was staring at Liz and you called me a loser? Do you remember?" I cried.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I don't remember that,"

"I'm sorry for bothe-... Bothering you anyway," I sniffled as I walked out.

Where is my happy ending.

Where is it? I'm waiting. Im tired of waiting.

Sorry this is short and angsty but I'm leaving it for you to let your brain roam and imagine what happens next!

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