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" come with us..." Mika said while smiling " Why...?" Draken asked " just come with us..." Mika said
" Mika is there's something wrong.....?" Mikey asked while staring at Mika " Well... I just feeling something bad...." Mika said " Bad...." Mikey said then he Patted Mika's head
" Kenchin will come with us to go in Musashi Shrine...." Mikey said while smiling " let's go Kenchin!!!" Mika said while trying to hide her feeling " Let's go..." Draken said then they ride to go there " do we have a meeting???" Draken asked" Mitsuya said we have emergency meeting.." Mika said
" Yeah...." Mikey said while smiling
Then they go there

While they walking upstairs , it suddenly rain " Huh.... it's raining...."Mika said " let's go..... We need to get there..." Mikey said while covering Mika's head " let's go..." Draken said then they reach the meeting place " So what's the emergency...?" Draken asked The captains then Mika noticed that Senju and Takemitchi are missing " Where's Senju....Rena....and Takemitchi?" Mika suddenly asked " they hanging out together....and the bad news is the Rokuharatendai are after takemitchi...they targeting takemitchi.." Mitsuya and Inupi said that made everyone shock especially Mika and Mikey " What!?" The twin said. Mika are focusing to much to Draken so he can save him....but she forgot Takemitchi can't even protect himself too " where's them now!!??" Mika shout in rage voice " that made everyone flinched " in the amusement park.." Inupi said " For hell sake ..... Why do I need to forgot that...!?" Mika said in cold voice " Kenchin stay here..." Mika said " Mikey.... let's go in the amusement park....I don't want to see some one laying on the ground pool of blood.." Mika said then she dragged Mikey then they ride so fast
Since Mika is the one who driving the motor " Be careful... idiot!!" Mikey shout " I don't have a time to be careful.." Mika said in emotionless tone she can feel something happened
" Rena...Senju... takemitchi.." Mika said while driving so fast then she saw the ambulance are driving so fast to go in the amusement park " Shit ..." Mika shout then they reach the amusement park Mika and Mikey suddenly run Mikey are following Mika. Mika knows where they are since she knows where Draken died


The twin found Senju and Takemitchi are crying " hey....." Mikey said that made Senju and Takemitchi flinched while Mika are still silent " Where's Rena..?" Mika asked in emotionless tone that made Senju and Takemitchi flinched again " I'm asking you where's Rena?" Mika said turning into Cold voice then they made a way
Mika saw Rena are laying in the ground pool of blood that made twin shock " R..... Rena...." Mika said in emotionless tone she can't cry.... because the tears won't come " Hey...Rena....." Mika said in emotionless tone then she walk where Rena is " You promised me that we will hangout together after the fight...Right??" " Mika said in emotionless tone again
Her eyes become empty, her eyes have no light and shining then the her surrounding full of silence she turned her head to see Senju and Takemitchi then they shocked when they saw her eyes especially Mikey...." Mika..." Senju said " Are you okay...?" Mika asked them " we're okay.....but Rena...." Takemitchi said he's Blaming himself
Cause he didn't protect Rena too
" It's okay I didn't blame you..." Mika said in emotionless tone her eyes still staring at Rena She remember how Iya laying on the ground pool of blood
That made her eyes becomes dark
" Rena..." Mika said then Mikey suddenly hugged Mika " Mika...." Mikey said in worried voice
" I'm fine..." Mika said " no you're not find..." Mikey said while hugging his twin " Senju... Takemitchi....You should go to the Musashi Shrine we have a meeting..." Mikey said " But... Mika..." Senju said" just go....." Mika said then Takemitchi and Senju leave to go in the Musashi Shrine

" Brother....." Mika said. mika's body became lethargic because of her emotion that can't be understood if it's sad or painful because her friend died she can't accept that her friend is dead she only feels the darkness she can't cry because no tears came out of her eyes. Mikey just hugged her tightly. He don't want to see her twin looks so horrible " Mika....the ambulance is here.." Mikey said but Mika are still silent and didn't even blink her eyes, she Just stare at nothing  then the ambulance took Rena's body so they leave to go in the Musashi Shrine

" Mika....." Mikey said while driving
But Mika are still silent  then they reach the Musashi Shrine to have a meeting while they walking everyone shock they saw Mika's eyes so empty...they can feel the silent...and Mikey walking besides Mika  then" The Rokuharatendai killed Mika's friend!!"  Senju shout that made everyone shock " They killed Rena!" Mikey shout and Mika are still silent
" Since the battle will come soon.... We will avenge Rena!!" Senju and Mikey shout " TOMAN!!" toman's members shout " BRAHMAN!!!" Brahman member's shout " Mika..." Chifuyu said while approaching Mika but Mika ignore him then she leave without saying...." Mika...' takemitchi said everyone saw that Mika is leaving without saying so they let her be

The meeting is end now so Mikey decided to Find Mika then he saw Mika just staring at the sky with her empty eyes so he decide to stay a minute to observe her in a far away
" you need to die..?" Mika asked herself " am I a failure...?" Mika said again " I want to cry....but tears won't come..." Mika said then Mikey suddenly Walk towards Mika " Mika...." Mikey said then Mika are still silent then he suddenly hugged Mika
But Mika didn't hugged back " I'm here you know..." Mikey said but Mika ignore him " let's go home now....." Mikey said while holding Mika's wrist
" Emma will be worried if she saw you like that..." Mikey said then they leave
They got home but Mika suddenly go to thier room she don't want to talk to someone else

JULY 14 2008

the 3 deities arrived in the place where they will gonna fight
" Let's begin the That battle!!" Takeomi shout " Toman!!!" The toman members shout " Brahman!!!" Brahman member's said then the battle begins the toman and Brahman captains and leaders, vice leader except Mika are busy to fight The enemy. Mika just watching them until they knocked out then the toman and Brahman captains also the leader and vice leader noticed that Mika is still not moving then South walking in front of Mika " I'm finally going to fight you.... Mika!!" South shout that made Mikey and Brahman shock also the toman members. But Mika just still silent " Iya.... Rena.... I'm feel empty..." Mika said then the darkness aura are surrounded to her " Mika!?" Mikey shout  he can feel the dangerous aura around Mika they sas Mika's eyes have a white shade

Then Mika Suddenly attack South
They fighting no one dared to infere to them even Mikey they fighting until South bleeding and Mika just have bruise " I can't move my body..." South said then Mika just kicked his head to make him lay down then he punch south nonstop until takemitchi and Chifuyu appeared " Mika!!! That's enough!!" Chifuyu shout that made everyone shock "  You gonna kill him!!" Takemitchi shout then Mika turned her eyes " Do you want to be next.....?" Mika said in cold voice that made everyone shock  even Mikey then she punch Takemitchi and kicked Chifuyu to make them fly away

Then Mikey suddenly walking towards to Mika the he hugged his twin " Mika that's enough..." Mikey said while hugging her tightly then Mika's eyes getting back to normal
But Mika are still silent she knows what happened everyone saw her how she beat South and almost kill him " Mika ..." Senju said " the fight is over.." Mika said in cold voice


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