Chapter 2: Coming Home:

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Here's chapter 2, I have the story a mature rating mainly because I don't know what'll get taken down on here. It's gonna be a bit of a mess, but hopefully I'll be able to pull it together.

BF was walking GF home after their experience at the club.

To most people BF would be Beep-Bopping incomprehensible nonsense, but his Girlfriend understood him just fine.

"Yeah, that transformation was really cool." She replied with a chuckle.

"Beep Bap Skeebop." Boyfriend beeped again.

"I know right?" Girlfriend said chuckling. "Usually transforming means a rap battle for our lives, but I'm glad he stayed friendly.

It was true, for a second BF thought this would be another life or death situation, it was nice it wasn't for a change.

In fact, (Y/N) did him favor, that show they put on would indeed help his rap career.

He was kinda strange though. Girlfriend stated.

"Bap Boo Bo?" Boyfriend asked tilting his head.

"Oh, he just gave off a weird energy." She replied with a shrug.

Boyfriend just looked more confused.

"It was like there was a soul inside him." She cleared up. "He gave off life energy, something not even a sentient robot should do."

BF shrugged and beeped.

"Yeah, we've been through a lot weirder haven't we?" GF smiled.

She received a nod in agreement.

"Brap Babbity Bo." BG stated and GF smiled feeling touched by his "words."

"You'll be there for me no matter what we go through?" She asked, his sincerity making her blush a bit. "Thanks babe."

He blushed in return and rubbed the back of his head. 

The two's tender moment unfortunately had to come to an end as they came up on Girlfriend's mansion and waiting for them at the gate was her parents, Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest.

The two's tender moment unfortunately had to come to an end as they came up on Girlfriend's mansion and waiting for them at the gate was her parents, Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest

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Mommy Mearest and Daddy Dearest:

GF sighed knowing she'd have to say goodbye, she wished he could stay over, but her parents never really approved of BF so it was best to not let them stay too long in each other's presence.

"I guess this is goodbye for now." GF said sounding a little sad.

"BeepBob Boo." BF said reassuringly.

"Yeah, guess I'll see you tomorrow." She replied before giving him a quick kiss which made Boyfriend's whole face go red.

You'd think he'd be used to getting kissed by her by now, but her kisses still made his heart flutter as if it were the first time.

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